Identification of sex-linked SNP markers in wild populations of monomorphic birds,(en) - Identification of sex-linked SNP markers in wild populations of monomorphic birds. 1905-1913
(ca) - Neuron numbers link innovativeness with both absolute and relative brain size,Neuron numbers link innovativeness with both absolute and relative brain size in birds,(en) - Neuron numbers link innovativeness with both absolute and relative brain size in birds. 1381-1389
Sol, Daniel; Garcia-Porta, Joan; González-Lagos, Cesar; Pigot, Alex L.; Trisos, Christopher; Tobias, Joseph A.
(en) - A test of Darwin’s naturalization conundrum in birds reveals enhanced invasion success in the presence of close relatives,A test of Darwin’s naturalization conundrum in birds reveals enhanced invasion success in the presence of close relatives. 661-672
Garcia-Porta, Joan; Sol, Daniel; Pennell, Matt; Sayol, Ferran; Kaliontzopoulou, Antigoni; Botero, Carlos A.
Niche expansion and adaptive divergence in the global radiation of crows and ravens,(en) - Niche expansion and adaptive divergence in the global radiation of crows and ravens. 2086-
Sol, Daniel; Lapiedra, Oriol; González-Lagos, Cesar; De Cáceres, Miquel
(en) - Resource preferences and the emergence of individual niche specialization within populations,Resource preferences and the emergence of individual niche specialization within populations. 1202-1211
Lapiedra, Oriol; Sayol, Ferran; Garcia-Porta, Joan; Sol, Daniel
(en) - Niche shifts after island colonization spurred adaptive diversification and speciation in a cosmopolitan bird clade,Niche shifts after island colonization spurred adaptive diversification and speciation in a cosmopolitan bird clade. 20211022-20211022
Swan, Christopher M.; Brown, Bryan; Borowy, Dorothy; Cavender-Bares, Jeannine; Jeliazkov, Alienor; Knapp, Sonja; Lososová, Zdeňka; Padullés Cubino, Josep; Pavoine, Sandrine; Ricotta, Carlo; Sol, Daniel
(en) - A framework for understanding how biodiversity patterns unfold across multiple spatial scales in urban ecosystems,A framework for understanding how biodiversity patterns unfold across multiple spatial scales in urban ecosystems,(ca) - A framework for understanding how biodiversity patterns unfold across multiple spatial scales in urban ecosystems. -
(en) - Validation of a globally-applicable method to measure urban tolerance of birds using citizen science data,Validation of a globally-applicable method to measure urban tolerance of birds using citizen science data. 106905-106905
(en) - Contrasting Impacts of Cultivated Exotics on the Functional Diversity of Domestic Gardens in Three Regions with Different Aridity,(ca) - Contrasting Impacts of Cultivated Exotics on the Functional Diversity of Domestic Gardens in Three Regions with Different Aridity,Contrasting Impacts of Cultivated Exotics on the Annual Report 2020 | Scientific output 75 Functional Diversity of Domestic Gardens in Three Regions with Different Aridity. 875-890
Sayol, Ferran; Collado, Miguel Á.; Garcia-Porta, Joan; Seid, Marc A.; Gibbs, Jason; Agorreta, Ainhoa; Mauro, Diego San; Raemakers, Ivo; Sol, Daniel; Bartomeus, Ignasi
(en) - Feeding specialization and longer generation time are associated with relatively larger brains in bees: Brain evolution bees,Feeding specialization and longer generation time are associated with relatively larger brains in bees: Brain evolution bees. 20200762-
Ducatez, Simon; Sol, Daniel; Sayol, Ferran; Lefebvre, Louis
(en) - Behavioural plasticity is associated with reduced extinction risk in birds,Behavioural plasticity is associated with reduced extinction risk in birds. 788-+
(en) - Brain Size and Life History Interact to Predict Urban Tolerance in Birds,Brain Size and Life History Interact to Predict Urban Tolerance in Birds. -
The future of biodiversity on earth: The importance of preserving the phylogenetic and functional diversity of the planet,(en) - The future of biodiversity on earth: The importance of preserving the phylogenetic and functional diversity of the planet. 175-181
Ducatez, Simon; Sayol, Ferran; Sol Rueda, Daniel; Lefebvre, Louis;
(ca) - Are urban vertebrates city specialists, artificial habitat exploiters, or environmental generalists?,(en) - Are urban vertebrates city specialists, artificial habitat exploiters, or environmental generalists?,Are Urban Vertebrates City Specialists, Artificial Habitat Exploiters, or Environmental Generalists?. 929-938
Perals, Daniel; Griffin, Andrea S.; Bartomeus Roig, Ignasi; Sol Rueda, Daniel;
(ca) - Revisiting the open-field test: what does it really tell us about animal personality?,(en) - Revisiting the open-field test: what does it really tell us about animal personality?,Revisiting the open-field test: what does it really tell us about animal personality?. 69-79
Urbanisation and the loss of phylogenetic diversity in birds,(ca) - Urbanisation and the loss of phylogenetic diversity in birds,(en) - Urbanisation and the loss of phylogenetic diversity in birds. 721-729
Vall-Llosera, Miquel; Llimona, Francesc; De Cáceres Ainsa, Miquel; Sales, Sergi; Sol Rueda, Daniel;
Competition, niche opportunities and the successful invasion of natural habitats,(en) - Competition, niche opportunities and the successful invasion of natural habitats. 3535-3546
Sayol, Ferran; Maspons, Joan; Lapiedra González, Oriol; Iwaniuk, Andrew N.; Szekely, Tamas; Sol Rueda, Daniel;
(en) - Environmental variation and the evolution of large brains in birds,(ca) - Environmental variation and the evolution of large brains in birds,Environmental variation and the evolution of large brains in birds. -
(ca) - Testing the island effect on phenotypic diversification: Insights from the Hemidactylus geckos of the Socotra Archipelago,(en) - Testing the island effect on phenotypic diversification: Insights from the Hemidactylus geckos of the Socotra Archipelago,Testing the island effect on phenotypic diversification: insights from the Hemidactylus geckos of the Socotra Archipelago. -
Diquelou, Marie; Griffin, Andrea S.; Sol Rueda, Daniel;
The role of motor diversity in foraging innovations: a cross-species comparison in urban birds,(ca) - The role of motor diversity in foraging innovations: A cross-species comparison in urban birds,(en) - The role of motor diversity in foraging innovations: A cross-species comparison in urban birds. 584-591
Sayol, Ferran; Lefebvre, Louis; Sol Rueda, Daniel;
Relative Brain Size and Its Relation with the Associative Pallium in Birds,(en) - Relative brain size and its relation with the associative pallium in birds. 69-77
Moiron, Maria; González Lagos, César; Slabbekoorn, Hans; Sol Rueda, Daniel;
(en) - Singing in the city: High song frequencies are no guarantee for urban success in birds,Singing in the city: high song frequencies are no guarantee for urban success in birds. 843-850
Sol Rueda, Daniel; Lapiedra González, Oriol; González Lagos, César;
(ca) - Behavioural adjustments for a life in the city,Behavioural adjustments for a life in the city,(en) - Behavioural adjustments for a life in the city. 1101-1112
Gutiérrez, Fernando; Garriz, Miguel; Peri, Josep M.; Ferraz, Liliana; Sol Rueda, Daniel; Blas Navarro, Jose; Barbadilla Prados, Antonio; Valdes, Manuel;
(ca) - Fitness costs and benefits of personality disorder traits,Fitness costs and benefits of personality disorder traits,(en) - Fitness costs and benefits of personality disorder traits. 41-48
Lapiedra González, Oriol; Sol Rueda, Daniel; Carranza, Salvador; Beaulieu, Jeremy M.;
Behavioural changes and the adaptive diversification of pigeons and doves,(en) - Behavioural changes and the adaptive diversification of pigeons and doves. 20122893-
Lendvai, Adam Z.; Bokony, Veronika; Angelier, Frederic; Chastel, Olivier; Sol Rueda, Daniel;
(en) - Do smart birds stress less? An interspecific relationship between brain size and corticosterone levels,Do smart birds stress less? An interspecific relationship between brain size and corticosterone levels. 20131734-
Leung, Brian; Roura-Pascual, Nuria; Bacher, Sven; Heikkilae, Jaakko; Brotons Alabau, Lluís; Burgman, Mark A.; Dehnen-Schmutz, Katharina; Essl, Franz; Hulme, Philip E.; Richardson, David M; Sol Rueda, Daniel; Vila Planella, Montserrat;
(ca) - Addressing a critique of the TEASI framework for invasive species risk assessment,Addressing a critique of the TEASI framework for invasive species risk assessment. 1415-U16