Predoctoral researcher

Javier de la Casa Sánchez

The relationship between humans and their environment concerns me as much as it excites me.

The relationship between humans and their environment concerns me as much as it excites me.

I studied Biology at the Complutense University of Madrid and the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and specialised in ecosystem restoration at the University of Alcalá. Currently, thanks to an FPU contract, I work at CREAF as a pre-doctoral researcher. My research line aims to evidentiate and understand the relevant shifts in the elemental composition (elementome shifts) of the Biosphere in the “Anthropocene” paradigma. To do so, we look at deep-time and modern archives of environmental changes: lake sediments and tree-rings.

Besides my interest in global change research, I believe that civil disobedience is a legit way, specially for academia, to advocate for the policies needed to face our environmental and humanitarian challenges.

Ha participat en:

Cut out image of soil
Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional

Unraveling the role of soil layers deeper than 30 cm in a changing world

Project / Initiative
Projectes Nacionals Cofinançats per la UE

Unraveling and providing solutions to mitigate and adapt to the changes in the elementomes of organisms, communities and ecosystems

Últimes publicacions:

2022 | Journal Article

Bordera, J.; Turiel, A.; Valladares, F.; Pallarés, M.G.; de la Casa, J.; Prieto, F.; Vilar, F.P.

Los ‘lobbies’ diluyen el informe climático más importante del mundo. 269-274