Communication Technician

Andrea Arnal Martín

Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid and specialized in scientific communication and, more specifically, in climate change. As a climate journalist, I am very interested in how to communicate the climate crisis in a way that reaches all audiences, regardless of their prior knowledge of science or their socioeconomic level.
Office: C5/1066

Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid and specialized in scientific communication and, more specifically, in climate change. As a climate journalist, I am very interested in how to communicate the climate crisis in a way that reaches all audiences, regardless of their prior knowledge of science or their socioeconomic level. As a science journalist I am also interested in democratizing access to information about scientific advances and conveying the importance of scientific research.

To develop in this area, I have worked in all kinds of media: from specialized centers such as Agència SINC to generalist media such as Mediaset España, through El País, the magazine Muy Interesante, or more recently Verificat, where I have also researched how science can be a powerful tool to spread misinformation.

At CREAF I will be part of the ESFERA CLIMÁTICA project with Anna Ramón and the rest of the colleagues from the communication department, which aims to increase the presence of topics linked to the climate crisis in the media, not so much addressing the causes and consequences that they derive from it, but by delving deeper into the direct effects they have on the Spanish population.

I'm a fan of walks along the seafront and sunny terraces. I really like popular initiatives, neighborhood parties, calçotadas and public libraries.

Ha participat en:

Tool / Guidebook
Contracts and agreements

Expanding the coverage of climate-related topics in the Spanish media and among meteorological presenters