
Antonio Burguillos Huertas

Environmental biologist by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2022), enthusiastic naturalist and passionate about all the biodiversity that surrounds us, with a huge predilection for entomology, herpetology and botany.  

Environmental biologist by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2022), enthusiastic naturalist and passionate about all the biodiversity that surrounds us, with a huge predilection for entomology, herpetology and botany.  

In recent years I have been especially involved in the study of diurnal butterflies, collaborating in several citizen science projects such as the CBMS (Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme) or the mBMS (metropolitan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme) and participating in different surveys of endangered butterflies in Catalonia. Recently, my interest in other groups of pollinating insects such as bees or syrphids has increased considerably, and I have received specialized training on their taxonomy, biology and study methodology.  

I am currently working in the pollinator research group at CREAF as a technician in the SPRING project (Strengthening Pollinator Recovery through INdicators and monitorinG), a pilot project whose main objectives are to test the methodology of the future European pollinator monitoring program (EU PoMS) and to consolidate and expand the pollinator monitoring networks of the member states. Thus, in addition to participating in the periodic sampling of bees, syrphids and diurnal butterflies in some monitoring stations, I am one of the people involved in the workflow of processing and identification of the specimens collected in the Atlantic/Mediterranean region of the project.