Associate researcher

Carlos Hernández-Castellano

I have a PhD in Terrestrial Ecology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Currently I am teacher at the Ecology Unit at the UAB and postdoc researcher at CREAF, UAB and UPM.

I have a PhD in Terrestrial Ecology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Currently I am teacher at the Ecology Unit at the UAB and postdoc researcher at CREAF, UAB and UPM.

My research interests and my research activity is related to insect ecology:

  • Trophic webs of soil macroinvertebrates (using stable isotopes).
  • Ant ecology (using stable isotoptes).
  • Pollinator communities: spatial and temporal variability; urban environments.
  • Plant-pollinator networks and their response to 1. plant composition changes and 2. increasing wild ungulate densities.
  • Pollination and reproductive success of entomophilous plants.
  • Host-parasitoid networks (solitary bee and wasp communities) and their response to 1. habitat size and 2. cattle management.
  • Butterfly communities.
  • Diversity and ecology of exotic fauna.

I like to tackle ecological questions from a classic perspective, call it naturalistic, combining field work and species identification with quantitative analyses.

CV in Spanish

Últimes publicacions:

2022 | Journal Article

Martínez-Torres, Helena; López-Olvera, Jorge Ramón; Mentaberre, Gregorio; Cardells-Peris, Jesús; Lizana, Víctor; Tampach, Stefania; Torres-Blas, Irene; Serrano, Emmanuel; San Miguel, Alfonso; Jolles, Anna; Alonso, Carlos; Fonseca, Carlos; Hernández-Castellano, Carlos; Gambra, Daniel; Risco, David; Baraza, Elena; Sebastián-González, Esther; Filella, Iolanda; Krumins, Jennifer; Carvalho, Joao; Peñuelas, Josep; Calleja, Juan Antonio; Clauss, Marcus; Martínez-Jauregui, María; Peláez, M.; Brolly, Matthew; Ramanzin, Maurizio; Ibañez-Álvarez, Miguel; Lurgi, Miguel; Candela, Mónica; Burnside, Niall G.; Cuenca, R.; Villafuerte-Jordán, Rafael; Tinoco, Rita; Lavín, Santiago; Fernández-Llario, Pedro

A homemade stretcher for ungulate transport. 40-43

2022 | Journal Article

Lanner, J.; Dubos, N.; Geslin, B.; Leroy, B.; Hernández-Castellano, C.; Dubaić, J.B.; Bortolotti, L.; Calafat, J.D.; Ćetković, A.; Flaminio, S.; Le Féon, V.; Margalef-Marrase, J.; Orr, M.; Pachinger, B.; Ruzzier, E.; Smagghe, G.; Tuerlings, T.; Vereecken, N.; Meimberg, H.

On the road: Anthropogenic factors drive the invasion risk of a wild solitary bee species. 154246-

2022 | Journal Article

Galiana, Núria; Lurgi, Miguel; Bastazini, Vinicius A. G.; Bosch, Jordi; Cagnolo, Luciano; Cazelles, Kevin; Claramunt-López, Bernat; Emer, Carine; Fortin, Marie-Josée; Grass, Ingo; Hernández-Castellano, Carlos; Jauker, Frank; Leroux, Shawn J.; McCann, Kevin; McLeod, Anne M.; Montoya, Daniel; Mulder, Christian; Osorio-Canadas, Sergio; Reverté, Sara; Rodrigo, Anselm; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf; Traveset, Anna; Valverde, Sergi; Vázquez, Diego P.; Wood, Spencer A.; Gravel, Dominique; Roslin, Tomas; Thuiller, Wilfried; Montoya, José M.

Ecological network complexity scales with area,(ca) - Ecological network complexity scales with area,(en) - Ecological network complexity scales with area. 307-314

2021 | Journal Article

Carlos Hernández‐Castellano; Josep Piñol; Xavier Espadaler

Distinct macroinvertebrate soil food webs at one-meter scale in a Mediterranean agroecosystem. 150751-150751