
Guillem Casbas Pinto

After finishing a Biology degree at the University of Vic (2017), I went to Australia for one year and a half to work on different ecology projects. Later on, I went to the Czech Republic for 6 months to work as a research technician. In 2020 I finished a MSc in Terrestrial Ecology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where I meet CREAF researcher Oriol Lapiedra and who I am working with in his current scientific project.

After finishing a Biology degree at the University of Vic (2017), I went to Australia for one year and a half to work on different ecology projects. Later on, I went to the Czech Republic for 6 months to work as a research technician. In 2020 I finished a MSc in Terrestrial Ecology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where I meet CREAF researcher Oriol Lapiedra and who I am working with in his current scientific project.

I consider myself a professional herpetologist studying how rapid environmental changes such as biological invasions and urbanization impact the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of native herps.

Ha participat en:

Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional

An evolutionary arms race: unravelling rapid evolution in a biological invasions context

Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional

The fear effect: ecological and evolutionary consequences of island tameness in a rapidly changing planet

Project / Initiative

Animal behavior: a modulator of evo-evolutiobary dynamics in a changing planet?