Predoctoral researcher

Maria Teresa Sánchez Mejía

BSc in Biology at the Complutense University of Madrid and MSc in Ecosystem Restoration at the University of Alcalá. I have worked on several projects, including the analysis of the demography of plant species, the development of databases of wild species and habitats, and the status analysis of protected spaces.

In 2023, I started my doctoral thesis at CREAF under the supervision of Francisco Lloret and Maria Paniw within the RESIBIO project, whose objective is to understand the resilience of woody species to disturbances such as drought, fire and pests in the context of their climatic niche.

In my thesis, I analyze the effects of climate and plant-plant and plant-animal interactions on Doñana National Park shrubs using demographic models. With this work, we hope to better understand the resilience of these communities to the conditions derived from Global Change.