Associate researcher

Oriol Grau

I am an associate researcher at CREAF and member of the Global Ecology Unit (CREAF-CSIC-UAB, Catalonia).

I am an associate researcher at CREAF and member of the Global Ecology Unit (CREAF-CSIC-UAB, Catalonia). Currently, I am a Marie Curie postdoctoral researcher at ‘Plants and Ecosystems’ group (PLECO, University of Antwerpen, Belgium) in the frame of the FROSTLAND project, to investigate the impacts of permafrost degradation on peatland biogeochemistry in arctic and subarctic regions. I am also coordinating the scientific committee of the Alt Pirineu Natural Park.

My research combines several disciplines in Ecology: plant biology, fungal biology, community structure, functional ecology, ecosystem dynamics, plant-soil interactions and diversity patterns. Over the last few years, I have conducted observational and experimental studies to analyse the effects of environmental variability on ecosystem functioning in contrasting biomes: in alpine regions (Pyrenees, Himalaya), in the Subarctic (Scandes), in the Arctic (Greenland, Alaska), in the Tropics (French Guiana), and in Mediterranean regions (Catalonia). I have also participated as a technician in a field campaign in the Antarctic.

Ha participat en:

Unitat Ecologia Global
Research group

Global Ecology Unit

Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional

Sequential destabilization of C and N in biogeochemical cycles to increasing temperatures in the subartic region

Project / Initiative
Regional projects

Impacts of climate change on bioelemental stocks and flows and feedbacks on ecosystems and crops