Paolo Zuccarini
My profile is that of an agronomist/environmentalist specialized in plant phenology and plant ecophysiological responses to abiotic stresses, from individual to ecosystem scale. My research interests…
My profile is that of an agronomist/environmentalist specialized in plant phenology and plant ecophysiological responses to abiotic stresses, from individual to ecosystem scale. My research interests deal with the effects of drivers of Climate Change (drought, rising temperatures, nutrient imbalances and deficits) on plant phenology and on plant ecophysiological responses to the abiotic stresses connected to such drivers, and with nutrient cycling in agricultural and forest ecosystems.
- 2002 - MSc degree in Agricultural Sciences
- 2006 - PhD in Horticulture
2010 - BSc in Natural Sciences
- 2006 - University of East Anglia, UK (9 months) – PhD fellow
- 2007-2008 - University of Pisa, Italy (18 months) – Postdoc fellow
- 2008 - University of Valencia, Spain (6 months) – Postdoc fellow
- 2009 - Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia (6 months) – Visiting scientist
- 2008-2017 - “Pharmaconsulting di Paolo Zuccarini”, a company providing services to Italian herbal and pharmaceutical companies – Founder
- 2011 - Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain (4 months) – Postdoc technician
- 2012-2013; 2016 - IRTA, Spain (12 months in total) – Postdoc technician
- 2014-2015 - Plant and Food Research Centre, New Zealand (8 months) – OECD fellow
- 2017-present - PLECO (Plant Ecosystems), Antwerp University, Belgium – Postdoc technician
- 2017-2020 - CREAF, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain – Postdoc technician