Communication Technician

Pau Guzmán Martín

I hold a Master in Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication (UPF-BSM, 2017) and a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Biology specialized in Plant Biology (UAB, 2016). Also, I am a Superior Technician in Forest and Environmental Management (Institut Rubió i Tudurí, 2011).

I hold a Master in Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication (UPF-BSM, 2017) and a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Biology specialized in Plant Biology (UAB, 2016). Also, I am a Superior Technician in Forest and Environmental Management (Institut Rubió i Tudurí, 2011).

I joined the Communication team of CREAF in February 2016 as a Communication Technician in training and since October of the same year I have been part of several citizen science and biodiversity projects to coordinate their communication tasks: Natusfera, LiquenCity, RitmeNatura , PhenoTandem, AlertaForestal and currently the Metropolitan butterfly observatory mBMS and the Citizen observatory of urban butterflies uBMS. At the same time, I have been combining it with institutional communication of CREAF, especially in the audiovisual and multimedia fields. At present I also coordinate the communication of the Metropolitan Laboratory of Ecology and Territory of Barcelona (LET).

Fascinated by the functioning of the nature and the universe and how humans are able to understand it, I am passionate about transmiting this knowledge to people, especially through audiovisual aid.

I am also councilor of Climate Action, Natural Environment and Farming in the Balenyà City Council, member of the coordinating team of the Grup de Naturalistes d'Osona (GNO-ICHN) since 2018, member of the board of the Zona Rural Tres Termes homeowners association of Puigsagordi, as well as the Head of the Communication Section and the Nature Section of the Association. Recently, I have been Assistant Producer on the TV series-documentary The Crowd & the Cloud, directed by Geoffrey Haines-Stiles, Senior Producer of the TV series-documentary Cosmos by Carl Sagan. I have collaborated with the Institut Català d'Ornitologia (2010-2014) in different projects such as, Atles dels ocells nidificants de Catalunya 1999-2002 and Atles dels ocells de Barcelona 2012-2014, and I have realized its promotional video for the project Ocells dels horts. I have worked in the audiovisual production company of scientific and historical outreach Mercury SGP (Mediapro) (2011) in different projects for the programs Espai Terra and Sense Ficció of the public television channel TV3. Finally, I have also worked in the publishing house Lynx Edicions (2010), specialized in nature and ornithology.


Ha participat en:

Tool / Guidebook
Contracts and agreements

Phenological Observatory RitmeNatura

Project / Initiative
Contracts and agreements

Collaboration in the development of the Nature Plan of the Barcelona city

Project / Initiative
Regional projects

Reconnecting citizenship and nature to measure the effects of climate change in Barcelona