2024 | Oct 26 - Oct 27
Instituto Cervantes - Manchester

II SRUK/CERU Science Communication Symposium

What can we researcher do to help journalists on their aim of democratising and spreading the knowledge? Where did Science Journalism start and where is it now? Which obstacles is Science Journalism still facing? We will discuss all of these questions in this roundtable (26th of October).

Lucía Torres (Mongabay, Asociación Española de Comunicación Científica and European Union of Science Journalists' Associations)
Magda Bandera (La Marea)
Andrea Arnal Martín (CREAF)
Patricia Ruiz Guevara (Fundación Maldita.es)
Moderator: Asier R. Muguruza, PhD (Co-chair of hashtag#IISRUKSciComm and former Co-Director of the Communications and Online Department of SRUK/CERU) 

Do not forget to get your ticket HERE!