News All Biodiversity Climate change Ecosystem functioning Earth Observation Advanced filters Research Areas TotBiodiversityEcosystem FunctioningGlobal ChangeEarth ObservationTotBiodiversityEcosystem FunctioningGlobal ChangeEarth Observation Transversal Topic - Any -Regenerative AgricultureForestsCitizen scienceMediterranean BasinBig data and data qualityEcosystem servicesNature-Based Solutions- Any -Regenerative AgricultureForestsCitizen scienceMediterranean BasinBig data and data qualityEcosystem servicesNature-Based Solutions Format - Any -In the mediaProtagonistsPhotographyInfographicNewsOpinionReportVideo- Any -In the mediaProtagonistsPhotographyInfographicNewsOpinionReportVideo Author Author: Judit Lecina Díaz (70427) Clear all Opinion 04-03-2025 Judit Lecina Díaz Opinion What is the difference between resilience and vulnerability, and why is it key in the forestry sector? Explore