Postdoctoral researcher

Alba Llovet Martin

As a Margarita Salas postdoctoral researcher at UAB, CREAF and CTFC, I'm mainly focused on unveiling the potential benefits of sowing diverse forage mixtures upon a wide array of ecosystem services.
Postdoctoral researcher

Écio Diniz Souza

My main interests and current lines of research are related to functional and phylogenetic ecology, plant-plant interactions, landscape ecology, climate niche forecasting, supervised machine learning and applied statistics.

Guillem Lloberas Milan

Graduate in Environmental Sciences from the University of Barcelona and Master’s in Terrestrial Ecology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, I work at CREAF on the DENDROHIST project, focusing on
People Management

David Rey

I graduated in Labor Relations from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. My career has been as a labor technician carrying out personnel management tasks; it is a sector that allows
Postdoctoral researcher

Maria Blasi

I have a PhD in Environmental Sciences from Lund University (2021) and I am currently working on the EU projects BioAgora and RESPIN.

CREAF unveils its new digital home!


A website is much like a home. While it may be digital, it opens you up to the world and reflects who you are, just as much as your offices, meeting rooms, people, and the personal touch you bring to everything you do. At CREAF, we treat this space with great care, knowing that our remote work, outdoor research, and a building spread across floors and modules require a digital home that unites everything and tells our story as it deserves to be told.

Monimed 1
Project / Initiative
European Union Projects

Monitoring Mediterranean climate-smart forestry practices for climate resilience and ecosystem service provision