PNIN Albera
Project / Initiative

Catalog of endangered and protected flora and fauna of Albera PNIN

Port Lligat
Project / Initiative

Creation of a poster about endangered and protected flora of Cap de Creus

Project / Initiative
National projects

Promoting phenological observation in rural areas

The extinction of 1,300 bird species in the next 200 years could cause the loss of key ecological functions

Published today in the journal Science and led by the University of Birmingham (UK) and CREAF, a new study has delved into the past and future of bird extinctions worldwide, going back to when humans first appeared, 130,000 years ago. Since then, according to the study, at least 610 species of birds have vanished, almost all of them as a result of human activities, and more than twice as many — another 1,305 — could die out in the next two centuries alone.

Postdoctoral researcher

Écio Diniz Souza

My main interests and current lines of research are related to functional and phylogenetic ecology, plant-plant interactions, landscape ecology, climate niche forecasting, supervised machine learning and applied statistics.

Guillem Lloberas Milan

Graduate in Environmental Sciences from the University of Barcelona and Master’s in Terrestrial Ecology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, I work at CREAF on the DENDROHIST project, focusing on
People Management

David Rey

I graduated in Labor Relations from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. My career has been as a labor technician carrying out personnel management tasks; it is a sector that allows