2012 | Chapter in Book

Lino Monteagudo-Pereira, J.; Aulí Llinàs, Francesc; Serra Sagrista, Joan; Zabala Torres, Alaitz; Maso, Joan; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

Enhanced transmission of JPEG2000 imagery through JPIP proxy and user-navigation model. 22-31

2013 | Journal Article

GARBULSKY, MARTIN; Filella Cubells, Iolanda; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Recent advances in the estimation of photosynthetic stress for terrestrial ecosystem services related to carbon uptake. 39-62

2018 | Journal Article

Farina, Simone; Oltra, Aitana; Boada, Jordi; Bartumeus, Frederic; Romero, Javier; Alcoverro, Teresa;

(en) - Generation and maintenance of predation hotspots of a functionally important herbivore in a patchy habitat mosaic,Generation and maintenance of predation hotspots of a functionally important herbivore in a patchy habitat mosaic. 556-565

2016 | Journal Article

Barba, Josep; Lloret Maya, Francisco; Curiel Yuste, Jorge;

Effects of drought-induced forest die-off on litter decomposition,(ca) - Effects of drought-induced forest die-off on litter decomposition,(en) - Effects of drought-induced forest die-off on litter decomposition. 91-101

2013 | Journal Article

Gomez, Crisanto; Espadaler, Xavier;

An update the world survey of myrmecochorous dispersal distances,An update of the world survey of myrmecochorous dispersal distances. 1193-1201

2016 | Journal Article

Melero, Yolanda; Stefanescu, Constanti; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

General declines in Mediterranean butterflies over the last two decades are modulated by species traits,(ca) - General declines in Mediterranean butterflies over the last two decades are modulated by species traits,(en) - General declines in Mediterranean butterflies over the last two decades are modulated by species traits. 336-342

2016 | Journal Article

Maas, Bea; Karp, Daniel S.; Bumrungsri, Sara; Darras, Kevin; Gonthier, David; Huang, Joe C. -C.; Lindell, Catherine A.; Maine, Josiah J.; Mestre, Laia; Michel, Nicole L.; Morrison, Emily B.; Perfecto, Ivette; Philpott, Stacy M.; Sekerciogiu, Cagan H.; Silva, Roberta M.; Taylor, Peter J.; Tscharntke, Teia; Van Bael, Sunshine A.; Whelan, Christopher J.; Williams-Guillen, Kimberly;

Bird and bat predation services in tropical forests and agroforestry landscapes. 1081-1101

2010 | Journal Article

Zabala Torres, Alaitz; Gonzalez-Conejero, Jorge; Serra Sagrista, Joan; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

(ca) - JPEG2000 encoding of images with NODATA regions for remote sensing applications,(en) - JPEG2000 encoding of images with NODATA regions for remote sensing applications,JPEG2000 encoding of images with NODATA regions for remote sensing applications. -

2018 | Journal Article

Arasa-Gisbert, Ricard; Vayreda, Jordi; Maria Roman-Cuesta, Rosa; Armando Villela, Sergio; Mayorga, Rafael; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

(en) - Forest diversity plays a key role in determining the stand carbon stocks of Mexican forests,(ca) - Forest diversity plays a key role in determining the stand carbon stocks of Mexican forests,Forest diversity plays a key role in determining the stand carbon stocks of Mexican forests. 160-171

2012 | Journal Article

Sol Rueda, Daniel; Bartomeus Roig, Ignasi; Griffin, Andrea S.;

The paradox of invasion in birds: competitive superiority or ecological opportunism?,(en) - The paradox of invasion in birds: Competitive superiority or ecological opportunism?,(ca) - The paradox of invasion in birds: Competitive superiority or ecological opportunism?. 553-564