2018 | Journal Article

Balzarolo, Manuela; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Filella Cubells, Iolanda; Portillo-Estrada, Miguel; Ceulemans, Reinhart;

(en) - Assessing ecosystem isoprene emissions by hyperspectral remote sensing,Assessing Ecosystem Isoprene Emissions by Hyperspectral Remote Sensing. 1086-

2012 | Journal Article

Savé Monserrat, Robert; de Herralde, Felicidad; Aranda, Xavier; Pla, Eduard; Pascual, Diana; Funes, I.; Biel, Carmen;

(en) - Potential changes in irrigation requirements and phenology of maize, apple trees and alfalfa under global change conditions in Fluvià watershed during XXIst century: Results from a modeling approximation to watershed-level water balance,(en) - Potential changes in irrigation requirements and phenology of maize, apple trees and alfalfa under global change conditions in Fluvia watershed during XXIst century: Results from a modeling approximation to watershed-level water balance,Potential changes in irrigation requirements and phenology of maize, apple trees and alfalfa under global change conditions in Fluvia watershed during XXIst century: Results from a modeling approximation to watershed-level water balance. 78-87

2016 | Journal Article

Lupon, Anna; Bernal, Susana; Poblador, Silvia; Marti, Eugenia; Sabater, Francesc;

(en) - The influence of riparian evapotranspiration on stream hydrology and nitrogen retention in a subhumid Mediterranean catchment,The influence of riparian evapotranspiration on stream hydrology and nitrogen retention in a subhumid Mediterranean catchment. 3831-3842

2014 | Journal Article

Quevedo, Lidia; Arnan Viadiu, Xavier; Boet, Olga; Rodrigo, Anselm;

Post-fire selective thinning of Arbutus unedo L. coppices keeps animal diversity unchanged: the case of ants,(ca) - Post-fire selective thinning of Arbutus unedo L. coppices keeps animal diversity unchanged: The case of ants. 897-905

2013 | Journal Article

Verger Ten, Aleixandre; Baret, Fred; Weiss, M.;

GEOV2/VGT: Near real time estimation of global biophysical variables from VEGETATION-P data. -

2015 | Journal Article

Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Bartrons Vilamala, Mireia; Llusià Benet, Joan; Filella Cubells, Iolanda;

Sensing the energetic status of plants and ecosystems,(ca) - Sensing the energetic status of plants and ecosystems. 528-530

2013 | Journal Article

Rojas Quezada, Carolina; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Basnou, Corina; Vivanco, Mauricio;

(ca) - Assessing land-use and -cover changes in relation to geographic factors and urban planning in the metropolitan area of Concepción Chile. Implications for biodiversity conservation,Assessing land-use and -cover changes in relation to geographic factors and urban planning in the metropolitan area of Concepcion (Chile). Implications for biodiversity conservation,(en) - Assessing land-use and -cover changes in relation to geographic factors and urban planning in the metropolitan area of Concepción (Chile). Implications for biodiversity conservation. 93-103

2016 | Journal Article

Binks, Oliver; Meir, Patrick; Rowland, Lucy; Da Costa, Antonio C. L.; Vasconcelos, Steel Silva; Ribeiro De Oliveira, Alex Antonio; Ferreira, Leandro; Mencuccini, Maurizio;

Limited acclimation in leaf anatomy to experimental drought in tropical rainforest trees. 1550-1561

2011 | Journal Article

Carnicer Cols, Jofre; Coll Brunet, Marta; Ninyerola, Miquel; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Sanchez, Gerardo; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

(ca) - Widespread crown condition decline, food web disruption, and amplified tree mortality with increased climate change-type drought,Widespread crown condition decline, food web disruption, and amplified tree mortality with increased climate change-type drought,(en) - Widespread crown condition decline, food web disruption, and amplified tree mortality with increased climate change-type drought. 1474-1478

2015 | Journal Article

Cardador Bergua, Laura; De Cáceres Ainsa, Miquel; Giralt Jonama, David; Bota Cabau, Gerard; Aquilue, Nuria; Arroyo, Beatriz; Mougeot, Francois; Cantero Martínez, Carlos; Viladomiu, Lourdes; Rosell, Jordi; Casas, Fabián; Estrada, Alba; Alvaro-Fuentes, Jorge; Brotons Alabau, Lluís;

Tools for exploring habitat suitability for steppe birds under land use change scenarios,(en) - Tools for exploring habitat suitability for steppe birds under land use change scenarios. 119-125