Project / Initiative
Contracts and agreements
- Active


Collaboration in the development of the Nature Plan of the Barcelona city

This project aims to facilitate the exchange of experiences between CREAF and Barcelona City Council for the deployment of the Natura 2030 Plan for the city of Barcelona.
According to the United Nations, more than two-thirds of the World's population will be concentrated in cities by 2050. In this scenario, urban green infrastructure has the challenge of providing ecosystem functions and services to a large population with very diverse needs, while it must ensure preservation and recovery of a rather damaged biodiversity. At the same time, urban green infrastructure is particularly useful for preserving and restoring environmental services in areas particularly lacking in them, thus contributing to deploying the EU's Green Infrastructure plan.

Barcelona and its metropolitan area gather more than 40% of the population in less than 2% of the area of Catalonia. In the city of Barcelona, the high population density has led to a high loss of biodiversity and the provision of essential ecosystem services for the well-being of citizens. The Plan Natura Barcelona 2030 tries to remedy this situation by increasing the city's green infrastructure to maximize its services, and promoting urban biodiversity, protecting species and improving habitats and their connectivity.

CREAF collaborates in this Plan by advising municipal managers in decision-making and deploying specific projects, such as the urban butterfly monitoring network (uBMS), the monitoring of the biological control of the pine processionary (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) in urban forests and the analysis of the role of vegetation in reducing air pollutants.
