Formació d'investigadors en el desenvolupament de respostes completes a les convocatòries internacionals de recerca
The European Union plans to increase resources for cooperation projects with African countries, with the aim of incorporating them into different programs as eligible countries. Sometimes, their researchers in Universities and Research Centers are not used to manage with European research programs in the preparation of call proposals.
The main objective is to train researchers from Universities and Research Centers in the region of Burkina Faso to participate in the preparation of proposals for calls to international projects.
The actions that will be developed during the project are: generation of teaching material for researchers, face-to-face courses in Ouagadougou, monitoring of the contents and advice on future proposals during 6 months beyond the course.
The objectives of the course are transversal. However, initially we will focus and exemplify with proposals related to Global Change, integral and adaptive management of water into the territory, monitoring of water resources and the impact on ecosystems through remote sensing and GIS techniques.