Impacts of wild boar expansion on pastures, natural regeneration of forests and key species from alpine and sub-alpine habitats
The aim of this project is to analyse the wild boar’s seasonal use of habitats in the National Park of Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici and their impact on various elements of the alpine and sub-alpine ecosystems.
The significant expansion of wild boar throughout Europe is also evident in Alpine environments, in which they have been observed at above 2000 m during the summer period. As the main factors that limit the presence of the species are frozen ground and the snow cover depth, the processes associated with global warming are likely to favour the demographic expansion of wild boars in these environments and, consequently, can increase their impact. Wild boars can cause significant alterations of natural systems, by modifying the flora composition and physiognomy of the pastures, impairing the natural regeneration of tree species, influencing the populations and behaviour of small rodents which are keystone seed dispersers. However, there is no information about the effects of wild boar on alpine and sub-alpine environments.
The aim of this project is to analyse the wild boar’s seasonal use of habitats in the National Park of Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici and their impact on various elements of the alpine and sub-alpine ecosystems. We will analyse the impacts of wild boar on (1) the flora composition of pasture communities, (2) the natural recruitment of tree species in forest systems, (3) the populations of small rodents that are keystone species as seed dispersers in forests (Wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus, and Yellow-necked mouse A. flavicollis), and (4) the seed dispersal processes by these small rodents. Using this information we will propose management measures to ensure that the presence of wild boar is compatible with the conservation of keystone species, threatened species and traditional landscape uses in the National Park like livestock grazing
Primera notícia Sobre el projecte:
El CREAF Estudia l'Impacte de l'EXPANSIO del Senglar
Vídeo de Senglars als Pirineus: