Study of the diatom diversity of northern South America and Central America at different spatial scales
Development of a resaerch line in Colombia oriented to applying diatoms to the resolution of biogeographic questions and the study of the effects of global change on aquatic ecosystems. The information obtained is expected to promote the formation of a network of professionals using the diversity of diatoms to advance ecological studies in the area.
The Neotropical strip between northeastern South America and Central America covers a variety of ecosystems ranging from large natural reserves to areas with different degree of human intervention. It is an excellent context to address questions about the influence of space and environmental constraints in the distribution of species in tropical aquatic ecosystems. Within aquatic organisms, diatoms are widely used in ecological studies, environmental impact assessment and environmental reconstruction. However, the limited knowledge of the diatom diversity and ecology in this area makes it difficult to realize their full potential. This project will explore patterns in diatom diversity at local, and regional levels of northern South America and Central America.
Financing: CSIC - i-COOP+2015