Vincular el canvi landcover Pan-Europea a les pressions sobre la biodiversitat
BIOPRESS analyzes the changes in land cover between 1950 and 2000 around the Natura 2000 areas.
BIOPRESS is part of the Global Monitoring for the Environment and Security (GMES) programme wich aims at achieving ‘European capacity for Global Monitoring for the Environment and Security’.
BIOPRESS will help realize this ambitious goal, by providing decision makers with quantitative information on how changing land cover/use has affected the environment and biodiversity in Europe.
BIOPRESS will produce information on historical (1950 - 1990 - 2000) land cover change in and around a large sample of Natura2000 sites and convert this information into to pressures on biodiversity. The focus of the project is to develop a standardised product that will be extendable to Europe.
BIOPRESS is aimed at the EU-user community concerned with the impact of land cover/use changes on the environment and biodiversity. The proposed activities of the project are geared to the activities of the European Environment Agency (EEA) and European Topic Centres (ETC’s) (Figure 1) and support the further development of Community Information Systems for nature, biodiversity and forests.
Per a 130 àrees d’estudi repartides areu d’Europa s’han obtingut mapes de cobertes del sòl històrics (1950, 1990) i actuals (2000) a partir de l’ortorectificació i fotointerpretació de fotografies aèries i d’ortofotomapes. Els canvis observats permeten identificar les principals pressions sobre la biodiversitat en aquestes àrees. El CREAF ha posat a punt els mapes d’àrees d’estudi a Catalunya, Navarra, Extremadura i Andalusia. Junt amb el CEMAGREF, ha desenvolupat una metodologia per associar els canvis amb pressions sobre la biodiversitat.
Els primers resultats s’han publicat al llibre Land cover change in Europe, from the 1950’s to 2000 (Olschofsky et al., 2006, Universitat d’Hamburg).
Final meeting - main conclusions
Linking land cover change to pressures on biodiversity (introduction)
Linking land cover change to pressures on biodiversity (summary)