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Undiscovered bird extinctions obscure the true magnitude of human-driven extinction waves,(en) - Undiscovered bird extinctions obscure the true magnitude of human-driven extinction waves. Nature Communications. 1: -
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Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds May Help Reduce Pollinator-Prey Overlap in the Carnivorous Plant Drosophyllum lusitanicum (Drosophyllaceae). Journal of chemical ecology. 1: 73-
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Carbon storage and plant-soil linkages among soil aggregates as affected by nitrogen enrichment and mowing management in a meadow grassland,(en) - Carbon storage and plant-soil linkages among soil aggregates as affected by nitrogen enrichment and mowing management in a meadow grassland. Plant and Soil. 1-2: 407-
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Age structure and climate sensitivity of a high Andean relict forest of Polylepis rodolfo-vasquezii in central Peru. Dendrochronologia. : -
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Recent global decline of CO2 fertilization effects on vegetation photosynthesis,(en) - Recent global decline of CO2 fertilization effects on vegetation photosynthesis. Science. 6522: 1295-
Disentangling the Role of Forest Structure and Functional Traits in the Thermal Balance of the Mediterranean–Temperate Ecotone,(en) - Disentangling the Role of Forest Structure and Functional Traits in the Thermal Balance of the Mediterranean–Temperate Ecotone,(en) - Disentangling the Role of Forest Structure and Functional Traits in the Thermal Balance of the Mediterranean-Temperate Ecotone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 6: e2022JG007264-