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Tackling intraspecific genetic structure in distribution models better reflects species geographical range,(en) - Tackling intraspecific genetic structure in distribution models better reflects species geographical range. ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 7: 2084-
Bridging the gap between biodiversity data and policy reporting needs: An Essential Biodiversity Variables perspective,(en) - Bridging the gap between biodiversity data and policy reporting needs: An Essential Biodiversity Variables perspective. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY. 5: 1341-
(ca) - Species-specific Impacts of Plant Invasive Success on Vertical Profiles of Soil Carbon Accumulation and Nutrient Retention in the Minjiang River Tidal Estuarine Wetlands of China,(en) - Species-specific impacts of invasive plant success on vertical profiles of soil carbon accumulation and nutrient retention in the minjiang river tidal estuarine wetlands of China,Species-Specific Impacts of Invasive Plant Success on Vertical Profiles of Soil Carbon Accumulation and Nutrient Retention in the Minjiang River Tidal Estuarine Wetlands of China. Soil Systems. 5: 0-
(en) - Long-term experimental drought combined with natural extremes accelerate vegetation shift in a Mediterranean holm oak forest,Long-term experimental drought combined with natural extremes accelerate vegetation shift in a Mediterranean holm oak forest. Environmental and Experimental Botany. : 1-
Extensive pollen immigration and no evidence of disrupted mating patterns or reproduction in a highly fragmented holm oak stand. JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY. 4: 384-
Interspecific variation in functional traits, not climatic differences among species ranges, determines demographic rates across 44 temperate and Mediterranean tree species,(ca) - Interspecific variation in functional traits, not climatic differences among species ranges, determines demographic rates across 44 temperate and Mediterranean tree species,(en) - Interspecific variation in functional traits, not climatic differences among species ranges, determines demographic rates across 44 temperate and Mediterranean tree species. JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY. 6: 1462-
Zero-sum landscape effects on acorn predation associated with shifts in granivore insect community in new holm oak (Quercus ilex) forests,(en) - Zero-sum landscape effects on acorn predation associated with shifts in granivore insect community in new holm oak (Quercus ilex) forests. DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS. 4: 521-
Morphological, biochemical and physiological traits of upper and lower canopy leaves of European beech tend to converge with increasing altitude,(en) - Morphological, biochemical and physiological traits of upper and lower canopy leaves of European beech tend to converge with increasing altitude. TREE PHYSIOLOGY. 1: 47-
(en) - Historical and event-based bioclimatic suitability predicts regional forest vulnerability to compound effects of severe drought and bark beetle infestation,(ca) - Historical and event-based bioclimatic suitability predicts regional forest vulnerability to compound effects of severe drought and bark beetle infestation,Historical and event-based bioclimatic suitability predicts regional forest vulnerability to compound effects of severe drought and bark beetle infestation. Global Change Biology. 5: 1952-
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Zero-calorie sugar delivery to roots. NATURE PLANTS. 12: 922-
Epiphytic bryophyte communities of Prunus lusitanica Iberian forests: biogeographic islands shaped by regional climates. CRYPTOGAMIE BRYOLOGIE. 1: 53-
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De novo assembly of English yew (Taxus baccata) transcriptome and its applications for intra- and inter-specific analyses. PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. 4-5: 337-