Alejandra morán @en

Global change requires new fire management to preserve biodiversity

More than 4,400 terrestrial and freshwater species are threatened by changes in the fire regime. While many species are at risk by the increased frequency and intensity of fire, its suppression can be harmful to some life forms and ecosystems.

Alejandra morán @en Andrea duane @en Biodiversity Ecosystems Fire Fire management Lluis brotons @en Luke kelly @en Mediterranean Núria aquillué Virgilio hermoso @en Wildfires

Green infrastructure planned at European level is more efficient

The need to fit the pieces of a currently fragmented landscape has led the European Union and the various territorial administrations to promote green infrastructure. This type of planning could secure ecosystem services and increase the connectivity of the Natura 2000 network, while improving the coverage of species of conservation interest in the EU beyond the current protected areas.

Alejandra morán @en Green infraestructure Lluis brotons @en Planning Policy estrategy Ue @en Virglio hermoso