Sdg @en

Cos4Cloud, a European project to revolutionize the technology of citizen science

The European Union promotes Cos4Cloud, an ambitious project that will create cutting-edge technology services to improve citizen science platforms. Among other services it will include: integrating observations from different citizen science platforms into a portal, artificial intelligence tools that help citizens recognize species when they send an observation and standardize data from different platforms

Citizen science Citizen science @ca @en Cos4cloud Eosc Joan masó @en Sdg @en

Earth Observation and Essential Variables: useful for evaluating progress towards fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals

A CREAF research team comprising Joan Masó, Ivette Serral, Cristina Domingo and Alaitz Zabala has created a graphic that shows the links and gaps between Essential Variables, the Sustainable Development Goal indicators and the data available from Earth observation networks.



Earth observation Geo @en Sdg @en