Communication Technician

Gerard Gaya Gas

I hold a master on Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra-BSM (2021) and a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Biology specialized in Animal Biology by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2020).

I hold a master on Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra-BSM (2021) and a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Biology specialized in Animal Biology by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2020). I joined CREAF’s communication team in September 2021 as part of the RitmeNatura and AlertaForestal citizen science’s projects. I also collaborate in the maintenance of the social networks of uBMS and mBMS and sometimes I post news on the centre’s blog.

I have always had the desire to do my bit to improve our planet, driven by a strong sense of attachment to the river Ebre area, its natural spaces and its people. I am a science communicator because I like to transmit knowledge, especially through social networks, and because I believe that we must communicate in order to conserve. Only with the power of a well-done dissemination we will achieve the added value that will lead us to an effective conservation of our biodiversity.

Driven by these concerns, in early 2020 I created the BioPorts transmedia project. A personal initiative that publicises the biodiversity of the Port massif (Tortosa, Catalonia) through the networks and which has had considerable media coverage at a territorial level. After receiving an excellent evaluation from the scientific juries of the UAB and the UPF-BSM as an academic work, I had the opportunity to present it as a paper at the prestigious VIII Congress of Social Communication of Science.

Beyond the professional field, my main hobbies are sports, especially football, and talk nineteen to the dozen.

Ha participat en:

Tool / Guidebook
Contracts and agreements

Phenological Observatory RitmeNatura

Project / Initiative

Regenerative Agriculture as a way to advance towards food sovereignty and the fight against climate change, biodiversity loss and rural abandonment

Project / Initiative

Desfake Clima