
Joan Prunera Olivé

Graduate in Biology by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2017) and Master in Plant Taxonomy by KEW Gardens (Great Britain, 2018).I have worked mainly in the search for grass diversity and as a field technician in seed collection of endangered wild species. I am currently working as a field and laboratory technician in the European FORGENIUS project on physiological differences in water metabolism of several European tree species.

Graduate in Biology by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2017) and Master in Plant Taxonomy by KEW Gardens (Great Britain, 2018).

I have worked mainly in the search for grass diversity and as a field technician in seed collection of endangered wild species. I am currently working as a field and laboratory technician in the European FORGENIUS project on physiological differences in water metabolism of several European tree species.

Ha participat en:

Alzina sense fulles a un camp groguenc
Project / Initiative

Functional biogeography and resilience of terrestrial ecosystems

Imatge aèrea de bosc
Project / Initiative
European Union Projects

Improving access to FORest GENetic resources Information and services for end-USers