Marina Muñiz Martínez
I studied "Environmental Sciences" and "Geography and Territorial Planning" in the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid. Between 2022 and 2023 I did a 7 months internship in Santa Fe, Argentina, where I made a research about land grabbing in the pampean region. At the time I finished university (2023) I got an international cooperation scholarship to participate during 6 months in the environmental education of a rural community in Tanzania throught the non-profit organization TATU-Project. When the scholarship finished -2024- I started the Master's Degree in Geomatics and Remote Sensing at Universidad de Córdoba.
I love to participate in projects with impact in the community, ideas capable of improving realities using both a scientific and social perspective. Daily learning motivates me, but mostly my professional growth. At CREAF I'm a technical assistant in the SEACURE project.