
Teresa Gimeno Chocarro

I am a plant ecophysiologist and I am interested in how different drivers of global change affect the functioning of vegetation and its interactions with the biotic and abiotic environment. In my research I combine observational and experimental studies with the aim of obtaining parameters that allow us to predict the physiological response of vegetation to different drivers of global change.

I am a plant ecophysiologist and I am interested in how different drivers of global change affect the functioning of vegetation and its interactions with the biotic and abiotic environment. In my research I combine observational and experimental studies with the aim of obtaining parameters that allow us to predict the physiological response of vegetation to different drivers of global change. These parameters are necessary to be able to predict how vegetation and the terrestrial biosphere can contribute to mitigate the effects of climate change. I have addressed the climate change impacts, namely warming, temperature extremes and drought; land use changes and elevated atmospheric CO2. My ultimate goal is to parameterise how simultaneous global change factors affect the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum to predict biosphere-climate feedbacks.

Brief bibliography: before joining CREAF, I worked at the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3), the INRAE-Bordeaux (France) and at the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment (Australia). I did my PhD thesis at the former Institute of Natural Resources of the CSIC (now part of the National Museum of Natural Sciences, MNCN-CSIC (Madrid) and obtained my PhD in Natural Resources Conservation from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) in 2011. Previously I obtained a Master's degree in Environmental Science and Technology (URJC, 2008) and a degree in Biology from the University of Navarra (2006).

Ha participat en:

Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional

Tree water use and drought responses: the roles of allometry, water storage and transport under climate change

Alzina sense fulles a un camp groguenc
Project / Initiative

Functional biogeography and resilience of terrestrial ecosystems

Últimes publicacions:

2023 | Journal Article

Gardner, A.; Jiang, M.; Ellsworth, D.S.; MacKenzie, A.R.; Pritchard, J.; Bader, M.K.-F.; Barton, C.V.M.; Bernacchi, C.; Calfapietra, C.; Crous, K.Y.; Dusenge, M.E.; Gimeno, T.E.; Hall, M.; Lamba, S.; Leuzinger, S.; Uddling, J.; Warren, J.; Wallin, G.; Medlyn, B.E.

Optimal stomatal theory predicts CO2 responses of stomatal conductance in both gymnosperm and angiosperm trees. 1229-1241

2023 | Journal Article

Caldararu, S.; Rolo, V.; Stocker, B.D.; Gimeno, T.E.; Nair, R.

Ideas and perspectives: Beyond model evaluation-combining experiments and models to advance terrestrial ecosystem science. 3637-3649

2023 | Journal Article

Barbeta, A.; Miralles, D.G.; Mendiola, L.; Gimeno, T.E.; Sabaté, S.; Carnicer, J.

Disentangling the Role of Forest Structure and Functional Traits in the Thermal Balance of the Mediterranean–Temperate Ecotone,(en) - Disentangling the Role of Forest Structure and Functional Traits in the Thermal Balance of the Mediterranean–Temperate Ecotone,(en) - Disentangling the Role of Forest Structure and Functional Traits in the Thermal Balance of the Mediterranean-Temperate Ecotone. e2022JG007264-

2022 | Journal Article

Sabot, M.E.B.; De Kauwe, M.G.; Pitman, A.J.; Ellsworth, D.S.; Medlyn, B.E.; Caldararu, S.; Zaehle, S.; Crous, K.Y.; Gimeno, T.E.; Wujeska-Klause, A.; Mu, M.; Yang, J.

Predicting resilience through the lens of competing adjustments to vegetation function. 2744-2761