
Are you interested in new innovations to support River Basin Management?


The WaterInnEU Marketplace will be launched soon and will be a match making hub that has been established to accelerate the market translation of products and services of specific relevance to River Basin Management.


The Marketplace directly supports innovations from across Europe that have been previously funded by the EU, but have yet to achieve market adoption. Its role is to raise awareness amongst River Basin Managers, their supply chains and stakeholders regarding the availability of potentially relevant new products, and to facilitate introductions with their owners. The available products include a combination of commercially available products and services, developers seeking collaborators for market deployment, and open source models.

Are you interested in new innovations and would like to hear from the product owners themselves? Then join the next Marketplace E-Pitch Event on November 2nd 2016 at 14h CET. In a 1 hour session, short presentations will be made by a first cohort of product developers from our platform in a web based event which gives you the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers directly from the product developers themselves:

A match making hub that has been established to accelerate the market translation of products and services of specific relevance to River Basin Management.

ADESBA Real Time Control (RTC) – A fully automated real time control system which minimizes combined sewer overflow using accurate communication between single CSO facilities that ensures effective use of the total existing storage capacity of the system and therefore facilitates a reduction in the volume of overflow. The pre-configured control system represents a step forward in terms of practical and rapid implementation of sewer network control. Stage of development: Commercially available. Product Owner: SEGNO Industrie Automation GmbH

Its role is to raise awareness amongst River Basin Managers, their supply chains and stakeholders regarding the availability of potentially relevant new products, and to facilitate introductions with their owners.

ASR-Coastal (Aquifer Storage & Recovery) - An innovative ASR technology which helps safeguard a year round sustainable fresh water supply in coastal areas. ASR enables freshwater surpluses (rainwater, surface runoff etc.) that arise during wet periods to be filtered and stored in underground wells, and pumped back to the surface during dry periods. Combining the filtration system with a specialised RO desalination technology increases recovery of freshwater from 29% to 100% and also reduces the risk of salt water intrusion and subsidence. Stage of development: Commercially available. Product Owner: KWR Watercycle Research Institute

AQUASURVEY - Supports users through all the necessary steps to collect geographical data within the framework of a field survey campaign: from the design of the survey, through the concrete collection of data using mobile devices, to integration of the data in GIS or statistical software applications. The tool has been specifically customized for the water sector, and can be used with simple hand-held devices in rural areas, even where there is no internet connection (via offline options). The straightforward but effect workflow allows the survey to be conducted by non-experts, potentially enabling increased coverage with reduced costs. Stage of development: Beta version. License/copyright: Free and open source. Product Owner: JRC

The Marketplace directly supports innovations from across Europe that have been previously funded by the EU.

WEISS – Water Emission Inventory planning Support System - A software package that enables measurement and analysis of both point and diffuse emission sources and subsequent transportation of pollution to surface waters. There are three modules: the first deals with the spatial distribution of the emissions; the second represents all relevant transport routes, including direct discharges, the sewer system and runoff; and the third enables full analysis of the results, including user friendly visual outputs (maps and tables) for specific spatial entities at every node of the transport route. The software can also be used to store and compare results over many years, and to create and model scenarios as part of decision support exercises. Stage of development: Commercially available. Product Owners: VITO - Flemish Institute for Technological Research, VMM - Flemish Environment Agency.

If you would like to attend, please register now to secure your place through the WaterInnEU E-pitch registration form, and feel free to distribute this invitation amongst your colleagues.

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