
Everything's ready for the first conference of SIBECOL, the Iberian Society of Ecology


SIBECOL is a scientific entity created in 2018 promoted by the Spanish Association for Terrestrial Ecology (AEET), the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL), the Portuguese Ecological Society (SPECO) and the Spanish Society of Ethology and Evolutionary Ecology (SEEEE). The conference coincides with the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Professor Ramon Margalef.

El congrés preveu sessions sobre objectes d'estudi que comparteixen molts aspectes en comú, però que fins ara s'havien abordat de manera independent, com per exemple els arbres i els organismes marins, o els sòls i els sediments
El congrés preveu sessions sobre objectes d'estudi que comparteixen molts aspectes en comú, però que fins ara s'havien abordat de manera independent, com per exemple els arbres i els organismes marins, o els sòls i els sediments

Marine and terrestrial ecosystems facing global change, effects of pollutants in the environment, invasive species in a changing environment, and challenges to preserve biodiversity in a global world are some of the topics to be treated in the first SIBECOL conference –the first scientific society of experts on ecology in the Iberian Peninsula –from February 4 to 7, at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona.

This foundational conference, which will gather around seven hundred international experts, will be held together with the commemoration of the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Professor Ramon Margalef (1919-2004), professor of Ecology at the UB since 1967 and a model to many generations of ecologists and naturalists in the country.

The SIBECOL foundational conference is organized by a committee led by the lecturers and researchers Isabel Muñoz (Faculty of Biology, UB), Josep Piñol (CREAF-UAB), Celia Marrasé (ICM-CSIC) and Francisco Lloret (CREAF-UAB).

Created in July 2018 in Barcelona, SIBECOL is a scientific entity promoted by the Spanish Association for Terrestrial Ecology (AEET), the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL), the Portuguese Ecological Society (SPECO) and the Spanish Society of Ethology and Evolutionary Ecology (SEEEE), and counts on the support of the peninsular collective of experts on the field of marine sciences. It is integrated by more than two thousand members from Spain and Portugal, and aims to promote the knowledge on terrestrial and water ecosystems and to improve the management of the environment and environmental sustainability.

The conference will start on Monday, February 4, at 5 p.m., in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Biology of the UB, in an act presided by the rector of the UB, Joan Elias, with the participation of Celia Marrasé, president of SIBECOL; Francisco Lloret, president of AEET; Joandomènec Ros; professor of Ecology at the UB and president of the Institute for Catalan Studies (IEC); Sonia Castañeda, director of Fundación Biodiversidad of the Ministry for Ecological Transition, and Cristina Màguas, president of the European Ecological Federation (EEF). The opening conference, titled “Rebuilding Marine Biodiversity in a Shifting Ocean”, will be given by the expert Carlos M. Duarte, from the King Abdulla University of Science and Technology (Saudi Arabia).

Full program of the Meeting SIBECOL

Web Meeting SIBECOL

>>Read here the complete information in UB website

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