2018 | Journal Article

Sangines de Carcer, Paula; Vitasse, Yann; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Jassey, Vincent Eric Jules; Buttler, Alexandre; Signarbieux, Constant;

(en) - Vapor–pressure deficit and extreme climatic variables limit tree growth,Vapor-pressure deficit and extreme climatic variables limit tree growth. 1108-1122

2013 | Journal Article

Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Tree growth changes with climate and forest type are associated with relative allocation of nutrients, especially phosphorus, to leaves and wood,(en) - Tree growth changes with climate and forest type are associated with relative allocation of nutrients, especially phosphorus, to leaves and wood. 494-507

2010 | Journal Article

Bahn, Michael; Reichstein, Markus; Davidson, Eric A.; Gruenzweig, J.; Jung, M.; Carbone, Mariah S.; Epron, Daniel; Misson, L.; Nouvellon, Yann; Roupsard, Olivier; Savage, K.; Trumbore, Susan E.; Gimeno, C.; Curiel Yuste, Jorge; Tang, Jianwu; Vargas, Rodrigo; Janssens, Ivan A.;

Soil respiration at mean annual temperature predicts annual total across vegetation types and biomes. 2147-2157

2015 | Journal Article

Calfapietra, Carlo; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Niinemets, UElo;

Urban plant physiology: adaptation-mitigation strategies under permanent stress. 72-75

2014 | Journal Article

Heres, Ana-Maria; Voltas Velasco, Jordi; Claramunt López, Bernat; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;

Drought-induced mortality selectively affects Scots pine trees that show limited intrinsic water-use efficiency responsiveness to raising atmospheric CO2,(ca) - Drought-induced mortality selectively affects Scots pine trees that show limited intrinsic water-use efficiency responsiveness to raising atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub>. 244-253

2015 | Journal Article

Piñol Pascual, Josep; Mir, G.; Gomez-Polo, P.; Agusti, Nuria;

(en) - Universal and blocking primer mismatches limit the use of high-throughput DNA sequencing for the quantitative metabarcoding of arthropods,Universal and blocking primer mismatches limit the use of high-throughput DNA sequencing for the quantitative metabarcoding of arthropods. 819-830

2018 | Journal Article

Wu, Chaoyang; Wang, Xiaoyue; Wang, Huanjiong; Ciais, Philippe; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Myneni, Ranga B.; Desai, Ankur R.; Gough, Christopher M.; Gonsamo, Alemu; Black, Andrew T.; Jassal, Rachhpal S.; Ju, Weimin; Yuan, Wenping; Fu, Yongshuo; Shen, Miaogen; Li, Shihua; Liu, Ronggao; Chen, Jing M.; Ge, Quansheng;

(en) - Contrasting responses of autumn-leaf senescence to daytime and night-time warming,Contrasting responses of autumn-leaf senescence to daytime and night-time warming. 1092-+

2016 | Journal Article

Li, Xine; Jiang, Lili; Meng, Fandong; Wang, Shiping; Niu, Haishan; Iler, Amy M.; Duan, Jichuan; Zhang, Zhenhua; Luo, Caiyun; Cui, Shujuan; Zhang, Lirong; Li, Yaoming; Wang, Qi; Zhou, Yang; Bao, Xiaoying; Dorji, Tsechoe; Li, Yingnian; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Du, Mingyuan; Zhao, Xinquan; Zhao, Liang; Wang, Guojie;

Responses of sequential and hierarchical phenological events to warming and cooling in alpine meadows,(en) - Responses of sequential and hierarchical phenological events to warming and cooling in alpine meadows. -

2016 | Journal Article

Kravitz, Ben; Guenther, Alex B.; Gu, Lianhong; Karl, Thomas; Kaser, Lisa; Pallardy, Stephen G.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Potosnak, Mark J.; Seco, Roger;

(en) - A new paradigm of quantifying ecosystem stress through chemical signatures,A new paradigm of quantifying ecosystem stress through chemical signatures. -

2014 | Journal Article

Vila, Maria Carme; Bartrons Vilamala, Mireia; Catalán Aguilà, Jordi; Ortega Casamayor, Emilio;

(ca) - Nitrogen-Cycling Genes in Epilithic Biofilms of Oligotrophic High-Altitude Lakes (Central Pyrenees Spain),(en) - Nitrogen-Cycling Genes in Epilithic Biofilms of Oligotrophic High-Altitude Lakes (Central Pyrenees, Spain),Nitrogen-Cycling Genes in Epilithic Biofilms of Oligotrophic High-Altitude Lakes (Central Pyrenees, Spain). 60-69