2017 | Journal Article

Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Bartrons Vilamala, Mireia; Margalef, Olga; Gargallo-Garriga, Albert; Janssens, Ivan A.; Ciais, Phillipe; Obersteiner, Michael; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Chen, Han Y. H.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

(en) - Plant invasion is associated with higher plant–soil nutrient concentrations in nutrient-poor environments,Plant invasion is associated with higher plant-soil nutrient concentrations in nutrient-poor environments,(ca) - Plant invasion is associated with higher plant-soil nutrient concentrations in nutrient poor-environments. 1282-1291

2014 | Journal Article

Galiana, Nuria; Lurgi, Miguel; Montoya Terán, José María; Claramunt López, Bernat;

Invasions cause biodiversity loss and community simplification in vertebrate food webs,(ca) - Invasions cause biodiversity loss and community simplification in vertebrate food webs. 721-728

2018 | Journal Article

Hermoso, Virgilio; Moran-Ordonez, Alejandra; Brotons Alabau, Lluís;

(en) - Assessing the role of Natura 2000 at maintaining dynamic landscapes in Europe over the last two decades: implications for conservation,Assessing the role of Natura 2000 at maintaining dynamic landscapes in Europe over the last two decades: implications for conservation. 1447-1460

2018 | Journal Article

Lecina-Diaz, Judit; Alvarez, Albert; Regos, Adrian; Drapeau, Pierre; Paquette, Alain; Messier, Christian; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

(ca) - The positive carbon stocks–biodiversity relationship in forests: co-occurrence and drivers across five subclimates,(en) - The positive carbon stocks–biodiversity relationship in forests: co-occurrence and drivers across five subclimates,The positive carbon stocks-biodiversity relationship in forests: co-occurrence and drivers across five subclimates. 1481-1493

2011 | Journal Article

Stefanescu, Constantí; Alarcón, Marta; Izquierdo, Rebeca; Páramo, Ferran; Àvila, Anna

MOROCCAN SOURCE AREAS OF THE PAINTED LADY BUTTERFLY VANESSA CARDUI (NYMPHALIDAE: NYMPHALINAE) MIGRATING INTO EUROPE IN SPRING,(en) - Moroccan source areas of the painted lady butterfly vanessa cardui (Nymphalidae: Nymphalinae) migrating into Europe in spring. 15-26

2016 | Journal Article

Sancho Knapik, Domingo; Medrano, Hipolito; Javier Peguero-Pina, Jose; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Farinas, M. D.; Gómez Álvarez Arenas, Tomás Enrique; Gil Pelegrin, Eustaquio;

The Application of Leaf Ultrasonic Resonance to Vitis vinifera L. Suggests the Existence of a Diurnal Osmotic Adjustment Subjected to Photosynthesis. -

2015 | Journal Article

Saura-Mas, Sandra; Bonas, A.; Lloret Maya, Francisco;

Plant community response to drought-induced canopy defoliation in a Mediterranean Quercus ilex forest,(ca) - Plant community response to drought-induced canopy defoliation in a Mediterranean Quercus ilex forest,(en) - Plant community response to drought-induced canopy defoliation in a Mediterranean Quercus ilex forest. 261-272

2013 | Journal Article

Quevedo, Lidia; Arnan Viadiu, Xavier; Rodrigo, Anselm;

Selective thinning of Arbutus unedo coppices following fire: Effects on growth at the individual and plot level,(ca) - Selective thinning of Arbutus unedo coppices following fire: Effects on growth at the individual and plot level. 56-63

2015 | Journal Article

Benejam, Lluís; Saura-Mas, Sandra; Montserrat, Joan; Torres, Fina; Macies, Miquel;

Could electric fish barriers help to manage native populations of European crayfish threatened by crayfish plague (Aphanomyces astaci)?,(ca) - Could electric fish barriers help to manage native populations of European crayfish threatened by crayfish plague Aphanomyces astaci?. 307-310

2014 | Journal Article

Santos, Xavier; Mateos, Eduardo; Bros, Vicenç; Brotons Alabau, Lluís; De Mas, Eva; Herraiz, Joan A.; Herrando, Sergi; Mino, Angel; Olmo-Vidal, Josep M.; Quesada, Javier; Ribes, Jordi; Sabate, Santiago; Sauras-Yera, Teresa; Serra, Antoni; Vallejo, V. Ramon; Vinolas, Amador;

Is response to fire influenced by dietary specialization and mobility? A comparative study with multiple animal assemblages,(en) - Is response to fire influenced by dietary specialization and mobility? A comparative study with multiple animal assemblages,Is Response to Fire Influenced by Dietary Specialization and Mobility? A Comparative Study with Multiple Animal Assemblages. e88224-