2013 | Journal Article

Lefebvre, Louis; Reader, Simon M.; Sol Rueda, Daniel;

Innovating Innovation Rate and Its Relationship with Brains, Ecology and General Intelligence. 143-145

2012 | Journal Article

Llusià Benet, Joan; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Seco, Roger; Filella Cubells, Iolanda;

Seasonal changes in the daily emission rates of terpenes by Quercus ilex and the atmospheric concentrations of terpenes in the natural park of Montseny, NE Spain. 215-230

2013 | Journal Article

Doblas-Miranda, Enrique; Rovira, P.; Brotons Alabau, Lluís; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi; Retana Alumbreros, Javier; Pla, Magda; Vayreda, J.;

Soil carbon stocks and their variability across the forests, shrublands and grasslands of peninsular Spain,(en) - Soil carbon stocks and their variability across the forests, shrublands and grasslands of peninsular Spain,(ca) - Soil carbon stocks and their variability across the forests, shrublands and grasslands of peninsular Spain. 8353-8361

2016 | Journal Article

Herrando, Sergi; Brotons Alabau, Lluís; Anton, Marc; Paramo, Ferran; Villero, Dani; Titeux, Nicolas; Quesada, Javier; Stefanescu, Constanti;

Assessing impacts of land abandonment on Mediterranean biodiversity using indicators based on bird and butterfly monitoring data,(en) - Assessing impacts of land abandonment on Mediterranean biodiversity using indicators based on bird and butterfly monitoring data. 69-78

2019 | Journal Article

Manuela, Balzarolo; Nadia, Valdameri; Yongshuo H., Fu; Lennert, Schepers; Ivan A., Janssens; Matteo, Campioli;

Different determinants of radiation use efficiency in cold and temperate forests. 1649-1667

2012 | Journal Article

Lurgi, Miguel; Claramunt López, Bernat; Montoya Terán, José María;

Climate change impacts on body size and food web structure on mountain ecosystems,(ca) - Climate change impacts on body size and food web structure on mountain ecosystems. 3050-3057

2019 | Journal Article

Andrea, Duane; Núria, Aquilué; Quim, Canelles; Alejandra, Morán-Ordoñez; Miquel, De Cáceres; Lluís, Brotons;

(en) - Adapting prescribed burns to future climate change in Mediterranean landscapes,Adapting prescribed burns to future climate change in Mediterranean landscapes. 68-83

2012 | Journal Article

Del Cacho, M.; Lloret Maya, Francisco;

(ca) - Resilience of Mediterranean shrubland to a severe drought episode: The role of seed bank and seedling emergence,Resilience of Mediterranean shrubland to a severe drought episode: the role of seed bank and seedling emergence,(en) - Resilience of Mediterranean shrubland to a severe drought episode: The role of seed bank and seedling emergence. 458-466

2018 | Journal Article

Arnan Viadiu, Xavier; Andersen, Alan; Gibb, Heloise; Parr, Catherine L.; Sanders, Nathan J.; Dunn, Robert; Angulo, Elena; Baccaro, Fabricio B.; Bishop, Tom R.; Boulay, Raphael; Castracani, Cristina; Cerdá Sureda, xim; Del Toro, Israel; Delsinne, Thibaut; Donoso, David A.; Elten, Emilie K.; Fayle, Tom M.; Fitzpatrick, Matthew C.; Gomez, Crisanto; Grasso, Donato A.; Grossman, Blair F.; Guenard, Benoit; Gunawardene, Nihara; Heterick, Brian; Hoffmann, Benjamin D.; Janda, Milan; Jenkins, Clinton N.; Klimes, Petr; Lach, Lori; Laeger, Thomas; Leponce, Maurice; Lucky, Andrea; Majer, Jonathan; Menke, Sean; Mezger, Dirk; Mori, Alessandra; Moses, Jimmy; Munyai, Thinandavha Caswell; Paknia, Omid; Pfeiffer, Martin; Philpott, Stacy M.; Souza, Jorge L. P.; Tista, Melanie; Vasconcelos, Heraldo L.; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

Dominance-diversity relationships in ant communities differ with invasion.,(en) - Dominance–diversity relationships in ant communities differ with invasion,(ca) - Dominance–diversity relationships in ant communities differ with invasion,Dominance-diversity relationships in ant communities differ with invasion. 4614-4625

2013 | Journal Article

Ojeda, Gerardo; Patricio, Joana; Navajas, H.; Comellas, Lluis R.; Alcaniz, J. M.; Ortiz Perpina, Josep Oriol; Marks, E.; Natal da Luz, Tiago; Sousa, Jose Paulo;

Effects of nonylphenols on soil microbial activity and water retention,(en) - Effects of nonylphenols on soil microbial activity and water retention. 77-83