2010 | Journal Article

Tarrason, D; Ojeda, Gerardo; Ortiz Perpina, Josep Oriol; Alcaniz, Jm;

Effects of Different Types of Sludge on Soil Microbial Properties: A Field Experiment on Degraded Mediterranean Soils,(en) - Effects of Different Types of Sludge on Soil Microbial Properties: A Field Experiment on Degraded Mediterranean Soils. 681-691

2016 | Journal Article

Binks, Oliver; Meir, Patrick; Rowland, Lucy; Da Costa, Antonio C. L.; Silva Vasconcelos, Steel; Antonio Ribeiro De Oliveira, Alex; Ferreira, Leandro; Christoffersen, Bradley; Nardini, Andrea; Mencuccini, Maurizio;

Plasticity in leaf-level water relations of tropical rainforest trees in response to experimental drought. 477-488

2018 | Journal Article

Tapia, Luis; Regos, Adrian; Gil-Carrera, Alberto; Domínguez Conde, Jesús;

Assessing the temporal transferability of raptor distribution models: Implications for conservation. 375-389

2017 | Journal Article

Fan, Peilei; Ouyang, Zutao; Basnou, Corina; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Park, Hogeun; Chen, Jiquan;

Nature-based solutions for urban landscapes under post-industrialization and globalization: Barcelona versus Shanghai,(ca) - Nature-based solutions for urban landscapes under post-industrialization and globalization: Barcelona versus Shanghai,(en) - Nature-based solutions for urban landscapes under post-industrialization and globalization: Barcelona versus Shanghai. 272-283

2018 | Journal Article

Perez-Rodriguez, Marta; Margalef, Olga; Corella, Juan Pablo; Saiz-Lopez, Alfonso; Pla-Rabes, Sergi; Giralt, Santiago; Martinez-Cortizas, Antonio;

(en) - The role of climate: 71 ka of atmospheric mercury deposition in the southern hemisphere recorded by Rano Aroi Mire, Easter Island (Chile),The Role of Climate: 71 ka of Atmospheric Mercury Deposition in the Southern Hemisphere Recorded by Rano Aroi Mire, Easter Island (Chile),The role of climate: 71 ka of atmospheric mercury deposition in the Southern Hemisphere recorded by Rano Aroi mire, Easter Island (Chile).. 1-19

2016 | Journal Article

Greenwood, Sarah; Chen, Jan-Chang; Chen, Chaur-Tzuhn; Jump, Alistair S.;

Community change and species richness reductions in rapidly advancing tree lines. 2274-2284

2019 | Journal Article

Joan, Garcia-Porta; Iker, Irisarri; Martin, Kirchner; Ariel, Rodríguez; Sebastian, Kirchhof; Jason L., Brown; Amy, MacLeod; Alexander P., Turner; Faraham, Ahmadzadeh; Gonzalo, Albaladejo; Jelka, Crnobrnja-Isailovic; Ignacio, De la Riva; Adnane, Fawzi; Pedro, Galán; Bayram, Göçmen; D. James, Harris; Octavio, Jiménez-Robles; Ulrich, Joger; Olga, Jovanović Glavaš; Mert, Karış; Giannina, Koziel; Sven, Künzel; Mariana, Lyra; Donald, Miles; Manuel, Nogales; Mehmet, Anıl Oğuz; Panayiotis, Pafilis; Loïs, Rancilhac; Noemí, Rodríguez; Benza, Rodríguez Concepción; Eugenia, Sanchez; Daniele, Salvi; Tahar, Slimani; Abderrahim, S’khifa; Ali Turk, Qashqaei; Anamarija, Žagar; Alan, Lemmon; Emily Moriarty, Lemmon; Miguel Angel, Carretero; Salvador, Carranza; Hervé, Philippe; Barry, Sinervo; Johannes, Müller; Miguel, Vences; Katharina C., Wollenberg Valero;

Environmental temperatures shape thermal physiology as well as diversification and genome-wide substitution rates in lizards,(en) - Environmental temperatures shape thermal physiology as well as diversification and genome-wide substitution rates in lizards,(ca) - Environmental temperatures shape thermal physiology as well as diversification and genome-wide substitution rates in lizards. 4077-0

2018 | Journal Article

Meir, Patrick; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Binks, Oliver; Da Costa, Antonio Lola; Ferreira, Leandro; Rowland, Lucy;

Short-term effects of drought on tropical forest do not fully predict impacts of repeated or long-term drought: gas exchange versus growth. -

2010 | Journal Article

Piñol Pascual, Josep;Espadaler Gelabert, Francesc Xavier;Cañellas, Núria;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;Barrientos Alfageme, José-Antonio;Sol Rueda, Daniel

Ant versus bird exclusion effects on the arthropod assemblage of an organic citrus grove,(en) - Ant versus bird exclusion effects on the arthropod assemblage of an organic citrus grove,(ca) - Ant versus bird exclusion effects on the arthropod assemblage of an organic citrus grove. 367-376

2015 | Journal Article

Domene, Xavier; Hanley, Kelly; Enders, Akio; Lehmann, Johannes;

Short-term mesofauna responses to soil additions of corn stover biochar and the role of microbial biomass,(ca) - Short-term mesofauna responses to soil additions of corn stover biochar and the role of microbial biomass,(en) - Short-term mesofauna responses to soil additions of corn stover biochar and the role of microbial biomass. 10-17