2018 | Journal Article

Margalef, Olga; Alvarez-Gomez, Jose A.; Pla-Rabes, Sergi; Canellas-Bolta, Nuria; Rull, Valenti; Saez, Alberto; Geyer, Adelina; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Giralt, Santiago;

Revisiting the role of high-energy Pacific events in the environmental and cultural history of Easter Island (Rapa Nui),Revisiting the role of high-energy Pacific events on the environmental and cultural history of Easter Island (Rapa Nui),(en) - Revisiting the role of high-energy Pacific events in the environmental and cultural history of Easter Island (Rapa Nui). 310-322

2013 | Journal Article

De Cáceres Ainsa, Miquel; Legendre, Pierre; He, Fangliang;

Dissimilarity measurements and the size structure of ecological communities. 1167-1177

2013 | Journal Article

Mcdowell, Nate G.; Fisher, Rosie A.; Xu, Chonggang; Domec, J. C.; Holtta, Teemu; Mackay, D. Scott; Sperry, John S.; Boutz, Amanda; Dickman, Lee; Gehres, Nathan; Limousin, Jean Marc; Macalady, Alison; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Plaut, Jennifer A.; Ogee, Jerome; Pangle, Robert E.; Rasse, Daniel P.; Ryan, Michael G.; Sevanto, Sanna; Waring, Richard H.; Williams, A. Park; Yepez, Enrico A.; Pockman, William T.;

Evaluating theories of drought-induced vegetation mortality using a multimodel-experiment framework,(ca) - Evaluating theories of drought-induced vegetation mortality using a multimodel-experiment framework. 304-321

2012 | Journal Article

Coll Mir, Lluis; Camarero Martínez, Jesús Julio; Martinez De Aragon, Juan;

Fine root seasonal dynamics, plasticity, and mycorrhization in 2 coexisting Mediterranean oaks with contrasting aboveground phenology,Fine roots seasonal dynamics, plasticity and mycorrhization in two coexisting Mediterranean oaks with contrasting aboveground phenology. 238-245

2018 | Journal Article

Sanchez-Pinillos, Martina; Ameztegui, Aitor; Kitzberger, Thomas; Coll Mir, Lluis;

Relative size to resprouters determines post-fire recruitment of non-serotinous pines,Relative size to resprouters determines post-fire recruitment of non-serotinous pines.. 300-307

2014 | Journal Article

Izquierdo, Rebeca; Alarcon, Marta; Aguillaume, Laura; Avila, Anna;

(en) - Effects of teleconnection patterns on the atmospheric routes, precipitation and deposition amounts in the north-eastern Iberian Peninsula,(ca) - Effects of teleconnection patterns on the atmospheric routes, precipitation and deposition amounts in the north-eastern Iberian Peninsula,Effects of teleconnection patterns on the atmospheric routes, precipitation and deposition amounts in the north-eastern Iberian Peninsula. 482-490

2018 | Journal Article

Garcia-Callejas, David; Molowny Horas, Roberto; Bastos Araujo, Miguel Ángel;

Multiple interactions networks: towards more realistic descriptions of the web of life,(en) - Multiple interactions networks: towards more realistic descriptions of the web of life. 5-22

2013 | Journal Article

Reyes Garcia, Victoria; Luz, Ana C.; Gueze, Maximilien; Paneque-Galvez, Jaime; Macia, Manuel J.; Orta-Martinez, Marti; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

(en) - Secular trends on traditional ecological knowledge: An analysis of changes in different domains of knowledge among Tsimane' men,(ca) - Secular trends on traditional ecological knowledge: An analysis of changes in different domains of knowledge among Tsimane' men,Secular trends on traditional ecological knowledge: An analysis of changes in different domains of knowledge among Tsimane' men. 206-212

2016 | Journal Article

Oliva, Marc; Antoniades, D.; Giralt, Santiago; Granados, Ignacio; Pla-Rabes, Sergi; Toro, M.; Liu, E. J.; Sanjurjo-Sanchez, Jorge; Vieira, Gonzalo;

(en) - The Holocene deglaciation of the Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica) based on the dating of lake sedimentary records,The Holocene deglaciation of the Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, Antarctica) based on the dating of lake sedimentary records. 89-102

2016 | Journal Article

Gil-Tena, Assu; Aquilue, Nuria; Duane, Andrea; De Cáceres Ainsa, Miquel; Brotons Alabau, Lluís;

(en) - Mediterranean fire regime effects on pine-oak forest landscape mosaics under global change in NE Spain,Mediterranean fire regime effects on pine-oak forest landscape mosaics under global change in NE Spain. 403-416