2016 | Journal Article

Osorio-Canadas, Sergio; Arnan Viadiu, Xavier; Rodrigo, Anselm; Torne-Noguera, Anna; Molowny Horas, Roberto; Bosch Gras, Jordi;

(en) - Body size phenology in a regional bee fauna: a temporal extension of Bergmann's rule,Body size phenology in a regional bee fauna: a temporal extension of Bergmann's rule,(ca) - Body size phenology in a regional bee fauna: a temporal extension of Bergmann's rule. 1395-1402

2013 | Journal Article

Kindermann, Georg E.; Schörghuber, Stefan; Linkosalo, Tapio; Sanchez-Plaza, Anabel; Rammer, Werner; Seidl, Rupert; Lexer, Manfred J.;

(en) - Potential stocks and increments of woody biomass in the European Union under different management and climate scenarios,Potential stocks and increments of woody biomass in the European Union under different management and climate scenarios. 2-

2016 | Journal Article

Carnicer Cols, Jofre; Wheat, Chris; Vives, Maria; Ubach, Andreu; Domingo-Marimon, Cristina; Nylin, Sören; Stefanescu, Constantí; Vila, Roger; Wiklund, Christer; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Evolutionary responses of invertebrates to global climate change: The role of life-history trade-offs and multidecadal climate shifts. 319-348

2019 | Journal Article

Josep, Barba; Rafael, Poyatos; Rodrigo, Vargas;

Automated measurements of greenhouse gases fluxes from tree stems and soils: magnitudes, patterns and drivers,(en) - Automated measurements of greenhouse gases fluxes from tree stems and soils: magnitudes, patterns and drivers,(ca) - Automated measurements of greenhouse gases fluxes from tree stems and soils. 4005-

2016 | Journal Article

Sanchez-Lopez, G.; Hernandez, Armand; Pla-Rabes, Sergi; Trigo, Ricardo M.; Toro, M.; Granados, Ignacio; Saez, Alberto; Masque, Pere; Pueyo, J. J.; Rubio-Ingles, M. J.; Giralt, Santiago;

Climate reconstruction for the last two millennia in Central Iberia: the role of East Atlantic (EA), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and their interplay over the Iberian Peninsula,(en) - Climate reconstruction for the last two millennia in central Iberia: The role of East Atlantic (EA), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and their interplay over the Iberian Peninsula,(ca) - Climate reconstruction for the last two millennia in central Iberia: The role of East Atlantic EA, North Atlantic Oscillation NAO and their interplay over the Iberian Peninsula,Climate reconstruction for the last two millennia in central Iberia: The role of East Atlantic (EA), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and their interplay over the Iberian Peninsula. 135-150

2018 | Journal Article

Rivas Ubach, Albert; Poret-Peterson, Amisha T.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Perez Trujillo, Miriam; Legido-Quigley, Cristina; Oravec, Michal; Urban, Otmar; Elser, James J.;

(ca) - Coping with iron limitation: a metabolomic study of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803,(en) - Coping with iron limitation: a metabolomic study of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803,Coping with iron limitation: a metabolomic study of Synechocystis sp PCC 6803. -

2018 | Journal Article

Barba, Josep; Lloret Maya, Francisco; Poyatos López, Rafael; Molowny Horas, Roberto; Curiel Yuste, Jorge;

(en) - Multi-temporal influence of vegetation on soil respiration in a droughtaffected forest,(ca) - Multi-temporal influence of vegetation on soil respiration in a droughtaffected forest,Multi-temporal influence of vegetation on soil respiration in a drought-affected forest. 189-198

2018 | Journal Article

Alfaro Reyna, Teresa; Retana Alumbreros, Javier; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;

Is there a substitution of Pinaceae by Fagaceae in temperate forests at the global scale?,(en) - Is there a substitution of Pinaceae by Fagaceae in temperate forests at the global scale?,(ca) - Is there a substitution of Pinaceae by Fagaceae in temperate forests at the global scale?. 41-47

2016 | Journal Article

Sass-Klaassen, Ute; Fonti, Patrick; Cherubini, Paolo; Gricar, Jozica; Robert, Elisabeth Maria Rogier; Steppe, Kathy; Braeuning, Achim;

A Tree-Centered Approach to Assess Impacts of Extreme Climatic Events on Forests. -

2017 | Journal Article

Puig-Girones, Roger; Brotons Alabau, Lluís; Pons, Pere;

Aridity influences the recovery of vegetation and shrubland birds after wildfire,(en) - Aridity influences the recovery of vegetation and shrubland birds after wildfire. e0173599-