Predoctoral researcher

Susana Silvestre Carbonell

Degree in Biology by the University of Alicante (2017) and Master in Management and Restoration of the Natural Environment also by the University of Alicante (2018).In 2020 I started my

Roger Samsó Campa

I am a Geological Engineer (2009) and PhD in Environmental Engineering (2014) by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.The common thread of my career has been modelling, initially in computational fluid

Alba Brobia Ansoleaga

Master of Science in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2019), and Bachelor of Science in Geography by the same univesity (2012). Her research
Senior researcher

Laia Andreu Hayles

Laia Andreu Hayles holds a PhD in Biology from the University of Barcelona (2007). In 2009 she began her research at the Tree-Ring Lab of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO)
Head of Policy Engagement and Institutional Relations

Alícia Pérez-Porro

Marine biologist by training connecting scientific research, environmental diplomacy, and climate justice for a more just and sustainable future for all. She sits at the Board of Trustees of the
Predoctoral researcher

Angham Daiyoub

Pre-doctoral researcher at CREAF and a collaborating researcher at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She specialises in environmental justice, specifically in
Predoctoral researcher

Karen Torres

Predoctoral researcher

Sergio Albacete González

I am a scientific naturalist and applied ecologist, passionate about ecology, conservation and terrestrial ecosystems management. I have a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences (2017) and a Master in Biodiversity
Postdoctoral researcher

Celeste Azpiazu Segovia