Predoctoral researcher

Miriam Selwyn

Completed her master’s degree in Biodiversity and Conservation Biology at Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla) and graduated in Environmental Science by the University of Cádiz.Currently she is a predoctoral researcher
Predoctoral researcher

Fan Yang


Joan Prunera Olivé

Graduate in Biology by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2017) and Master in Plant Taxonomy by KEW Gardens (Great Britain, 2018).I have worked mainly in the search for grass diversity

Alba Anadon Rosell

I have a BSc in Biology (2010, University of Barcelona), an MSc in Plant Diversity (2011, University of Reading, UK) and a PhD in Plant Biology (2017, University of Barcelona).
Predoctoral researcher

Gonzalo Sancho Blanco

His main field of interest is pesticide ecotoxicology, mostly related with wild bees, honey bees and wild pollinators. He holds a BSc in Biology from the Complutense University de Madrid
Predoctoral researcher

Marçal Pou Rossell

Throughout my career, I have been motivated about the conservation of local wildlife, their life-history and their interactions with the environment.

Guillem Casbas Pinto

After finishing a Biology degree at the University of Vic (2017), I went to Australia for one year and a half to work on different ecology projects. Later on, I

Imma Serra Recasens

I studied Technical Engineering in Topography at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and later Engineering in Geodesy and Cartography at the Universitat Politècnica de València. I have worked in the