Project / Initiative
Fellowship Marie Curie

A novel approach to determine canopy nitrification in the phyllosphere of European forests: combining multiple isotope tracers and proteogenomic techniques

Invasion of the Asian hornet

“It spreads like wildfire,” says Joan Pino, CREAF Deputy Director, about the case of the Asian hornet. This invasive species arrived to Spain in 2010 from France and today it has become established across almost all of the Northern Iberian Peninsula. In April 2015 the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Environment drew up a plan for combatting this worrisome unwelcome guest. 

Exocat @en

Female marmots “cheat on” their male partners

For marmots, infidelity is a way for dominant females to promote genetic diversity and increase the chances of survival of their young. When the dominant partner is genetically very similar, the female opts to reproduce with other males. This behavior could help create a more diverse genetic line and genetics that are better able to respond to parasites.

Alps @en Animal behavior Earthwatch pirineu @en Earthwatch pirineu ii @en Ecology and evolution @en Mariona ferrandiz rovira @en Marmots Mate choice Reproduction

The Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas has been published

Today, May 25, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) publishes the Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas, first-ever of this topic. It’s a European Comission iniciative, available and free for everyone who is interested in. This atlas maps the soil biodiversity of the entire planet by providing an exhaustive analysis of soil organisms and the threats it has to face. Soil management could help the mitigation of the effects of climate change.

Atlas @en Biodiversity Enrique doblas @en European comission Jrc @en Pilar andrés @en Soil
Project / Initiative
Contracts and agreements

Use of biochar for soil nitrogen cycling regulation and for a new generation fertilisers

Project / Initiative
Contracts and agreements

Bioclimatic niche and plant community dynamics in response to climate change