Mathematics will help us to predict which kind of fire each landscape will have

The mathematic model developed by CREAF and CTFC is able to estimate the probability a landscape has to suffer a wind-driven fire, a topographic fire or a fuel driven fire. This tool could be used to improve fire suppression strategies and adapt prevention measures in front the new climate change scenario.

Andrea duane @en Ctfc @en Mathematics Wildfire

CREAF receives the 'HR Excellence in Research' award from the European Commission

CREAF has elaborated a Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), incorporating the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers promoted by the European Commission (EC). 

European commission Hrs4r @en Human resources International Marie curie @en
Vista aèria de Mallorca
Project / Initiative
European Union Projects

Coordinating an Observation Network of Networks EnCompassing saTellite and IN-situ to fill the Gaps in European Observations

Degraded land restored with sewage sludge sequester up to 37% more carbon than un-amended land

A study carried out by researchers from CREAF and the UAB shows that restoring degraded land with sewage sludge aids carbon sequestration in the soil. These organic wastes improve soil structure and the growth of plants, and these are eventually incorporated into the soil as soil carbon.

Carbon Co2 @en Edar @en Mines Restoration Sludge Soils
Project / Initiative
Contracts and agreements

Inventory and diagnosis LiDAR technology areas strategic to prevent forest fires (ZPM) in the Southern Catalonia

Flowers pollinized by insects are more fragrant than those pollinized by the wind

A study published in the journal Biochemical Systematics and Ecologyand carried out by a team of CREAF researchers has shown that pollination by insects increases emissions of the molecules that give flowers their odors. Flower fragrances are needed to attract insects and guarantee the exchange of pollen with other flowers.  

Flowers Gerard farré @en Insects Josep peñuelas @en Pollination Voc @en

GEOSS users matter: an idea born out of the GeoViQua project wins the first call of MYGEOSS Project

The European project MYGEOSS awards an innovative idea of creating the MYGEOSS Feedback app submitted by 52North and S&T Corp to the First Call for Innovative Apps. This smart App is part of the outreach results of GeoViQua, a European project lead by CREAF during 2012 to 2014.  

Citizen science European citizen science association @en Geoss @en Geoviqua @en Ivette serral @en Joan masó @en