
Vicenç Carabassa Closa

I have a PHD in Terrestrial Ecology and a degree in Environmental Sciences from Autonomous University of Barcelona (2004) also a master's degree in Soil Science from the University of Lleida (2008).

Lluís Comas Boronat

Biologist from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. I am a research support technician at CREAF, in the field of forest ecology and biodiversity, especially in transfer projects. I also provide

Agustí Escobar Rúbies

I have both degrees in Biology (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 1997) and Computer Systems Engineering (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 2012).
Postdoctoral researcher

Gerard Farré Armengol

Postdoctoral researcher

Stefania Mattana

I have a degree in Environmental Science from the Universita degli Studi di Sassari and a PhD in Soil Science from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.My research activity has focused
Modelling technician

Roberto Molowny Horas

I am a research technician at CREAF, located in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona campus (UAB, Spain). I graduated in Physics at Universidad de La Laguna (ULL, Spain) in 1988 and obtained

Diana Pascual Sánchez

I am Forest Engineering by the Universitat de Lleida (MSc, 2005).My work experience started in the field of engineering and consultancy, developing hydrological, floodability and impact assessment studies, and also

Abel Pau Garcia

Degree in Mathematics from the Universitat de Barcelona. At CREAF, since 2007 he has been responsible for updating, improving and continuously revising the MiraMon Geographic Information Systems project. He has worked