Project / Initiative
Contracts and agreements

Citizens-Based Early Warning Systems for Invasive Species & Disease Vectors: The case of the Asian Tiger Mosquito

Scientists identify the 13 most important research challenges to face global change in the Mediterranean region

Scientists consider it key to understand why droughts kill so many trees and the influence of local forest histories on tree mortality. They also warn that we know very little about the joined effects of different disturbances on each ecosystem, and highlight the necessity to plan research projects covering more time and space. 

Anna avila @en Enrique doblas @en Geu @en Javier retana @en Joan llusià @en Jordi martínez vilalta @en Jordi sardans @en Jordi vayreda @en Josep peñuelas @en Lluis brotons @en Maria mayol @en Montes @en Paco lloret @en
Project / Initiative
Contracts and agreements

Land Cover Map of the province of Barcelona in 1956

Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional

Phylogeographic study of the Tyrrhenian endemic plants (Balearic Islands, Corsica and Sardinia) using DNA-based molecular markers

Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional

Neutral and adaptive genetic diversity of Taxus baccata in the National Parks network

Project / Initiative
European Union Projects

Dynamics of plant dispersal-related traits in fragmented european habitats: consequences for species survival and landscape management

Project / Initiative
Contracts and agreements

Environmental study for the conditioning of the Garona river and lakes of the municipality of Vielha e Mijaran. Development of an App for environmental education and awareness on water.

Mediterranean forest to re-launch jobs’ creation, sustainable development and protect eco-systems

MENFRI project is working with the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification International (PEFC), world's largest forest certification system, to explore the possibility of a “Mediterranean forest” brand.  MENFRI project wants to provide innovative solutions from research to markets engaging public and private actors.

Enrique doblas @en Forest management Forestry Menfri @en