Scientists study the chemical language of plants from the sky

A study carried out by scientists at the CREAF and the CSIC has shown that the reflectance PRI index allows for the quantification of gasses emitted by plants in order to communicate or in situations of stress.  This index is calculated by measuring the light that vegetation reflects with the help of photosensors on planes or with satellite images.

Forests Gerard farré @en Geu @en Ozone Pri @en Remote sensing Vocs

25 years of history at the CREAF

This year, 2013, the CREAF celebrates its twenty-fifth anniversary. During this quarter of a century, the center has grown and evolved step by step to become what it is now: a model terrestrial ecology research center that provides cutting-edge scientific knowledge on the greatest and most complex environmental challenges that society faces in the 21st century.

Researchers at the CREAF are working on a study of land cover and land use for the Iberian Peninsula

The DINACLIVE project aims to analyze how land cover and land uses have changed throughout the Iberian Peninsula. With the extracted information, they will be able to observe the impacts of climate change and other factors, such as the effects of the drought on vegetation.

Gis @en Grumets @en Ivette serral @en Land use Landsat @en Miramon satcat Satellite

With a few biological traits we can predict if two species interact

This study, in which the CREAF participated, determined that relationships between species follow a few common patterns, and, therefore, with little data a lot of detail can be understood regarding the ecological networks of ecosystems and predict a species’ evolution in the face of perturbations.

Anselm rodrigo @en Biodiversity Biological traits Ecological networks Food web Jordi bosch @en Plant-animal

Dr. Pilar Andrés wins a Marie Curie IOF grant to study soil ecology

The researcher Pilar Andrés will depart for two years to the USA, to Colorado to study the soil ecology of the Great Plains. Specifically, the project that she presented aims to improve the models that explain the decomposition of organic matter in the soil and contribute to the improvement of models of the carbon and nitrogen cycles.

Biogeochemical cycles International Marie curie @en Models @en Nutrient cycle Pilar andrés @en Sink