Predoctoral researcher

Gonzalo Sancho Blanco

His main field of interest is pesticide ecotoxicology, mostly related with wild bees, honey bees and wild pollinators. He holds a BSc in Biology from the Complutense University de Madrid
Predoctoral researcher

Marçal Pou Rossell

Throughout my career, I have been motivated about the conservation of local wildlife, their life-history and their interactions with the environment.

Guillem Casbas Pinto

After finishing a Biology degree at the University of Vic (2017), I went to Australia for one year and a half to work on different ecology projects. Later on, I

Imma Serra Recasens

I studied Technical Engineering in Topography at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and later Engineering in Geodesy and Cartography at the Universitat Politècnica de València. I have worked in the

Berta Giralt

Bachelor's degree in Geography from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2013), Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Amsterdam (2017), Postgraduate studies in Geographical Information Systems from UNIGIS, a
Predoctoral researcher

Miquel Ferrín Guardiola

I am an Environmental biologist with a M.Sc. in Terrestrial ecology by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).  Since summer 2021 I am a PhD researcher working with CREAF and
Communication Technician

Gerard Gaya Gas

I hold a master on Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra-BSM (2021) and a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Biology specialized in Animal Biology by the Universitat