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Improving the capabilities of the EuroBirdPortal project in order to boost its contribution towards EU policy objectives under the Birds Directive and the 2030 Biodiversity Strategy

Creaf leader



The present project will help improve the quantity and quality of bird-related data available in Europe and enhance its contribution to EU policy objectives under the EU Birds Directive and Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, the specific need identified by the LIFE subprogramme "Nature and Biodiversity", by reinforcing the EuroBirdPortal (EBP) capabilities and aligning them with those of the European Breeding Bird Atlas 2 and the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme. Specifically, the project has three main objectives: 1) improving the geographical coverage and the overall quality of the bird-related data collected in Europe by increasing participation, data collection and the use of more structured data collection protocols, particularly, in SE Europe, 2) adding all the species recorded in Europe to the EBP data flow making full use of the EBP data standard and updating the EBP viewer accordingly, and 3) producing two demonstrative outputs to showcase how the improved EBP capabilities could be applied to help implement key EU Biodiversity Strategy goals.

