Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional
- Inactive


INaturalist Spain, extending functionality and integration of users

Citizen science project. Enhancing a mobile application and a Web site for the introduction of plant and animal observation.


The "iNat" project takes advantage of a widely used mobile and web platform, and makes some improvements on it: first, we translate the application to Catalan, Basque, Galician and Spanish; and secondly, we improve the mapping system currently used.

iNaturalist ( is a comprehensive and complete platform that lets you manage your own data, create projects and field guides, and contains a system to manage doubtful identifications species. Verified data by an expert are sent to the GBIF and EOL platforms, which also feed iNat.


And the winner is…. discover the best photo of ClickFaunaiFlora photographic contest

The jury of ClickFaunaiFlora photographic contest decided to award the first prize to photo "Salto de la cabra". Others photos with a frog drinking Martini and a very beautiful sunflower  have recived the second and thrid price.  [...]


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