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MICROCLIM: Microclimatic variability and forest carbon sink resilience to global warming

Design and implementation of networks of automated sensors for long-term ecological research sites.

Microclimatic variability is progressively emerging as a central topic in global change biology. Long-term experimental and observational forest sites studying global warming effects on forests often lack specific devices for precisely monitoring the spatiotemporal variability of microclimatic effects across the forest canopy, understory and soil layers. As a result, the design and implementation of networks of automated microclimatic and environmental sensors constitutes an open research frontier in experimental sites simulating long-term global warming effects. The Microclim subproject will implement advanced networks of sensors precisely documenting microclimatic variability in intensively studied forests.


The project will analyse how the exposure to diverging microclimatic factors can alter populationn trends, wood traits and interannual trends in carbon capture, for example determining climatically exposed and climatically buffered areas along topographic gradients, which in turn may result in contrasting carbon sink dynamics and resilience, and affect key properties and functional traits of the trees.

Proyecto PID2020-117636GB-C21 financiado por MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033