The cross-border massif Pyrénées-Mediterranée presents exceptional landscaped characteristics which are the result of the close interaction between man and nature. The extensive breeding, mainly bovine, model for centuries these landscapes. Yet, the increase of users of the massif coupled with a failure and an imbalance in the management of pastures, as well as a reduction in the income of the breeders, threaten the sustainability of this activity. The peculiarity of the project ALBERAPASTUR, is to center on the bovine resource of "Alberas" as tool of attraction and economic development of the cross-border territory. It is about, on one hand, of building a joint and sustainable management of pastures and of participating in the protection of the massif by an approach sylvopastorale and on the other hand, of improving and valuing the native race "Albera". Present on the territory since the Neolithic, it is an emblem of this cross-border territory, and it is very well adapted to the constraints and difficulties of a Mediterranean massif. However, the race “Albera” remains not less vulnerable within the current context. Therefor the ALBERAPASTUR project aims the preservation and the valuation of the bovine resources and sylvopastorales in the cross-border massif.