Ciència ciutadana

The city’s butterfly population rockets

The months of lockdown, when less maintenance work was carried out in parks, coupled with one of the wettest springs in recent years, has seen city butterfly populations flourish in Barcelona. Thanks to Barcelona Citizen Observatory for Urban Butterflies lead by CREAF, some 28% more butterfly species were recorded in the city between May and June this year, with 74% more individuals than for the same period last year.

Barcelona @en @es Biodiversitat urbana Biodiversity management @es Butterflies Butterfly @es Ciència ciutadana City @es Ubms Ubms @en @es Yolanda melero @en @es

Citizens and scientists propose actions to face global change in Tordera

A diverse group of stakeholders took part in a dynamic workshop to evaluate the best options to manage water in the Tordera River Basin in a more sustainable and adaptive way. The 17 participants included researchers, managers, farmers and other citizens who live and work in the Basin. The meeting took place in Santa Maria de Palautordera on 17 June 2015. Key options identified included adaptive forest management, the implementation of environmental flows and better citizen participation spaces. 

Anabel sánchez @en Annelies broeckman Bewater @en Ciència ciutadana Citizen participation Citizen science Climate change Ecologic Efi Prospex River Society Tordera @en