Dona i ciència

CREAF and Javier Royo launch #insciencetoo, a campaign to highlight gender inequality in science

“Ah, right, so you’re in charge?" The question and the look of surprise speak for themselves. The researcher cannot believe what he has just found out: that the leader of the new international research project he is taking part in is a young woman. This real-life experience and others like it have prompted a campaign with the slogan“It happens in science too”, which CREAF is set to launch this week to mark the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

11f Dona i ciència Gender Gènere Institucional Institucional Institutional Women and science

Joan Pino, director of the CREAF, announces that he will not be part of male-only expert panels

The director of CREAF joins the institutional campaign #ICOMMIT and makes public his personal commitment in favor of equality between men and women within the scientific world. His commitment aims to raise his voice against the so-called manel or all-man panels.

11f All men panels Day of woman and girls in science Dona i ciència Equality Gender Institutional Joan pino @en Manel Teresa rosas Teresa rosas @en